What Are You Saying With Your Clothes?

When Seth Godin speaks, people listen. Especially those in business, as his words are so darn wise and thought provoking.
In one of his recent posts,titled The Signals We Send, he spoke about the signals we send, by what we do, say and in my area of expertise, wear.
He mentions that many people have trouble sending the signal that they would like to send.
Which makes me ask; what message does what you wear and how you wear it, send to your current and/or prospective clients, management and yes even on first dates?
If you are looking to work with high end clients, but your outfits and coordinating lack of confidence are sending the signal of just getting by, you won’t be gaining the attention of those with money to spend and invest.
If you are a nutritionist, but your clothes hug you in the wrong places because they are simply the wrong size and style for you, then prospective clients won’t trust that you can help them look and feel healthy.
If you specialize in coaching others to grow their businesses, but look exhausted and over-worked simply because you are wearing the wrong colors and clothes, then potential clients won’t believe that you can help them improve their lives and careers.
If you are sending the wrong or perhaps even no signal, then please ask yourself why, and then do something about it. Please don’t keep putting off sending the right signals to yourself and others.
So, What Are You Saying With Your Clothes?
See below for shameless self promotion.
A simple way to start choosing the right clothes, is by following the incredibly easy but transformative tips in my new book, Stop Stressing About Dressing.
Warning: Be prepared to laugh while you learn, and then know how to easily and stylishly, send the right signals with your clothes.
Take a look at the reviews of my book on Amazon. All 5 Stars, so If I were a restaurant, people would be standing in line to get in! Just saying.
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