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When Your Clothes Don’t Fit


When Your Clothes Don't Fit
When Your Clothes Don’t Fit

Fourteen years ago, I enrolled in an expensive and in-depth Image Consulting course at the prestigious Fashion Institute of Technology in New York City.

I had been encouraged to start my own personal wardrobe styling business, but I wanted to know more than others in my field and have more invaluable tips to give to my clients.

At the time my son was still in his early years of having intractable epilepsy, and after a failed brain surgery we were now trying the very strict Ketogenic Diet. It required me to measure every morsel and plan every meal in advance.

The main focus of my life at that time was to help him have fewer seizures and save him from even more brain damage.

It was consuming, depressing, and exhausting. So I guess it shouldn’t have come as a surprise when I put my outfit on for the first day of class and couldn’t even close my pants. 😳

While being so focused on my son and also trying to keep things ‘normal’ for my daughter and husband, I was rarely working out and eating more than I should have.

The bottom line: I wasn’t paying attention to myself and it showed. Actually, it showed on my stomach, hips, thighs, and even my face.

I dramatically changed what I was eating, but never starved myself, and by day 4 of classes my clothes were already fitting better.  I was able to wear the outfits I had pre-planned while using a few of my tricks to disguise any extra wiggle in my middle.

I was miserable when I couldn’t close my pants and had to use a rubber band to wear them, yet I learned a lot from that experience.

1. Don’t assume your clothes will still fit a body that isn’t what it was when you bought them.

2. Just because you are not as thin as you used to be doesn’t mean you can’t have outfits that make you look younger and thinner, along with the best accessory of all – confidence.

3. Making a small tweak in what I was eating allowed me to quickly lose a small amount of weight, which made a big difference in how my clothes fit me and how healthy I felt.

I don’t want you to rubber band your way thru the clothes in your closet and health, and that’s why you should…
REGISTER HERE for a power hour of fun, fashion, and fitness with myself and integrative dietitian Esther Blum.

Whether you’re home-schooling your kids, working on your business via Zoom, or yikes both – what you wear affects how you feel
and the message you’re sending to others.

You owe it to yourself, your family, and work to love what you wear and how you feel. YOU deserve it.

You’ll learn how to lose 3 pounds in just a week plus how to look and feel like you are one or two sizes thinner when you have the right clothes in your closet.

Here’s to you!