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Do You Ask Yourself These Questions?

What should I wear today?
What should I wear today?
  • What should I wear today?
  • How Can I look thinner?
  • What should I wear to an interview?
  • What should I wear to look professional?

Do you ever find yourself asking any or perhaps all of these questions?
If yes, you certainly are not alone.

The #1 question is of course: What should I wear today?

These are very common concerns for women entrepreneurs and for those over 40 who are reinventing themselves and their careers.  It all comes down to personal branding which basically means how you package your professional and personal image.

When you walk into a room to meet a potential client or for a job interview, the only thing you should be focused on is what you have to offer the person/people you are meeting. You should not be thinking about what you are wearing, if you are dressed properly, or hoping to fit in and not stand out in a negative manner.

Another kept quiet concern for many women: “Will I pop any seams because my clothes might be a bit too tight”.

Try these 3 tips to help you end the cycle of not knowing what to wear and stop asking what should I wear today?

  1. Go to a store you have never shopped in.
  2. Try clothes on that you think would not look good on you. You might really surprise yourself with experimenting a bit.
  3. Don’t tell yourself you want to lose weight before you buy new clothes.
It really isn’t just about what you’re wearing that will make the best first, second, etc. impression. It’s about how different you will feel when wearing the right fitting and looking clothes. You’ll no longer waste your time and energy thinking about your appearance when you really should be focussing on your business and profession.

There was a study done that women and men perceived themselves taller when they felt powerful. You automatically feel confident and powerful when you are wearing clothes that are perfect just for you. What women wouldn’t want to feel more powerful? Especially when over 40 and is beginning to feel her better days are behind her.

For the record, no way, no how is a woman over 40 past her prime.
It’s truly the opposite as now a woman over 40 is smarter, stronger and more informed than ever before to take control of her life and career.
She also is a far better judge of how to use her time.

So how is a person perceived? How you look 55%, how you sound 38%, and what you say 7%.

Yikes! That is 100% terrifying, but it doesn’t have to be that way.

Stop procrastinating on looking your best and taking care of your image, personal brand, ego, whatever you want to call it.

YOU are worth time and effort.

Pssst…Overheard In The Dressing Room

“You don’t have to wear 5 inch heals or lose 25 pounds at weight watchers, just spend one hour with Scarlett, and you will lose ten pounds and grow at least 4 inches. When she gives you the tools to work with and casts her spell on you, you gain a feeling of confidence you never know you had. Trust me, it happened to me, and it will happen to you”. ~ S.B. Stamford Ct.

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