Do You Value Yourself?
Work, work, work. Family, cooking, food shopping, work, work, work. Does this sound like your life too?
I love my work yet rarely pamper myself, spend the money or take the time to treat myself to things I need so as to be good to myself.
And then, I heard this:
“What you resist, is what you most need to do” as spoken by Jane Pollak. She guided 15 women, myself included, in a two day and night retreat, in the gorgeous Berkshires of Massachusetts. We learned, laughed, laughed some more and discovered how much we can and should do for ourselves.
What You Resist, Is What You Most Need To Do
Then it dawned on me. The reason I occasionally hear a woman tell me that she really wants to work with me, but the time is wrong, is because she is resisting doing something important and much needed, for herself.
Men don’t do this. They go to the couch to sleep, or a game with their pals. They excel at shutting out the world so they can re-fuel and re-charge, yet way too often women put themselves last.
It isn’t just about money, time or weight that a woman doesn’t end her frustration with figuring out what to wear or take care of herself in some other way. Nope. It is more about fear, ego, and resistance to taking care of herself.
A woman needs to value herself
“We accept the love we think we deserve.” ― Stephen Chbosky, The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Love yourself ASAP. Get a manicure, haircut, massage, or just take a nap.
Contact me when you decide you’re worth it.
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My recent article in Huffington Post.
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