Are You Able To Strike A Power Pose?

Have you heard about the power of a power pose?
In addition to what a woman says, her non-verbal body language, often speaks louder than her words and it also changes how we you see yourself.
What we say to ourself matters, and way too often we don’t talk nicely to ourselves.
So, STOP it!
Time to, as Madonna once sang: Strike A Pose…Strike A Power Pose.
When you put your hands on your hips, in the now named wonder Woman Pose, you send messages to your brain and to other that you have confidence, power and strength.
You’ll get respect and self confidence, and the proof about how body language affects how others see us, can be seen in the TedTalk: Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are by social psychologist Amy Cuddy in her 2012. She shows how “power posing” — standing in a posture of confidence, even when we don’t feel confident — can affect testosterone and cortisol levels in the brain, and might even have an impact on our chances for success.
Her Ted Talk is getting close to 36 million views!!!
But, Horrors, Power Posing Can’t Work For Some Women, If:
- Clothes don’t fit well, as her hands will be busy pulling and tugging at herself.
- Her shoes hurt…OUCH.
- She hates how she looks in her clothes.
- Keeps wearing the same outfit, over, and over, and over, and get the picture?
- Lacks the skills to take steps to increase self-confidence.
How you hold and pose your body, transforms the message you are sending to the room and to your inner confidence.
In her talk, Amy Cuddy states that “Tiny Tweaks Can Make Big Changes”.
I would like to tweak her statement and ask:
What’s stopping you from tweaking your wardrobe?
I’m really, really good at tweaking, not to be confused with twerking, which I cannot and will not do.
Virtually or personally, I’m here to help you to stylishly strike a power pose and represent your business and career the way you should be seen and heard.
So go ahead, no-one is looking: go Strike A Power Pose.
Any questions? Contact me me at
Pssst: Only 2 Spots left in my Show Me What To Wear workshop in Ridgefield CT, on 9/16.
Before I worked with Scarlett I had a closet full of clothes and no idea how to put them together. After just a few hours of working with me in my home, my closet was organized, all the clothes that didn’t work were gone and I had lots of outfits pulled together, that make me feel great when I walk out the door. She went though my bags, my jewelry and without me buying one new thing I feel, based on all the compliments I get, like a million bucks. Belinda Wasser
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