Tips To Make Your Butt Look Thinner

Come on now, you know you would like Tips To Make Your Butt Look Thinner, don’t you?When I was asked by 2nd Act.TV to share my “what the heck should I wear” tips for women over 50…..
I really had to think about it….for like a second!! OF COURSE I will share, a few of my MANY tips on how to look and feel confident, comfortable & captivating.
So, here I am giving you a few Tips To Make Your Butt Look Thinner and then you won’t ever ask again, “does this make my butt look fat?”
2nd Act.TV is all about sharing tips and supporting women on Recreating Life after 50!
BRAVO to 2nd Act.TV
Thank you Scarlett for helping me let go of the stress of dressing. It was very interesting learning that I am a summer palette of muted colors as well as the best neckline for the shape of my face. Who knew that gold jewelry is the preferred metal for my skin, hair and eyes? It was fun trying various outfits as we went through the closet of clothes, shoes, scarves and jewelry! Thanks for taking pictures cause I would NEVER remember.
Wow, by the end of our time together I knew what would work or not work and I love that you recommended some missing items in my closet You really helped me gain control. Felt GREAT getting rid of the things I had no idea what to do with or wear with.
Most of all, thank you for the CONFIDENCE that you instilled. Dressing will be much more fun! Cindi Melkerson Arbonne