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Tag: Wardrobe Stylist

Closet Makeover Part 2

Closet Makeover Part 2

In my last blog, I gave you a sneak peek into how I re-organized and beautified my client’s closet in California.

Today, you’ll see more and yes, I know that she is very lucky to have a large closet.

Please know that everything I did in terms of organizing will also work in your own closet, no matter how small or big it may be.

I used the floor shoe rack for sneakers and hiking boots, tucked into a corner instead of where it was before under the window.

Tip 1 – Keep all your shoes in one place. In the photo above you can see she had some on the floor, upper shelves, and more in bins. This is very common, but not a good use of space.
Instead, keep them all together on the floor, or if you are lucky enough to have shelves, store them there. See the above-after photo.

Note: Donate or consign the shoes you no longer can, or will wear again.

Tip 2 – Use all the same hangers for your clothes. No plastic or wire ones…please!

Tip 3 – Use see-thru plastic boxes for shoes. It’s ok to use a regular cardboard box now and then too, or use the clear boxes for larger shoes/booties.

Tip 4 – Use a pretty laundry bin. Here’s the one I found for this closet makeover.

Tip 5 – Hang like with like. Sleeveless with sleeveless, short sleeves with shorts, etc.

Tip 6 – If you are fortunate enough to have room for a rug and chair or bench, then use it! I asked my client if she had an extra chair and rug, and much to my delight, she did!

You can transform your closet with tips 1 to 5 in a matter of hours, and find pieces you forgot you had, and recognize those you need to say goodbye to.

P.S. I redid another of her closets which I’ll share one day as well.

Get these FREE tips to clean out your closet. 

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Tips For Stress-Free Shopping

Tips For Stress-Free Shopping

The photo below is of an actual warehouse sale I went to. 😳

It also is how most of my clients view shopping for clothes.

Overwhelming, confusing, and impossible. But, if you shop knowing what works best on you, then it’s soooo much easier to go through the racks and zero in on what you should try on, versus leaving empty-handed, depressed, and stressed.

Shopping is only stressful when it’s unsuccessful.

Note: I walked out with a pair of $230 Paige jeans for just $25.
That’s all I bought and no stress was involved.

On a completely other note, I dressed up my website,, and would love for you to take a look and let me know what you think.

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Is This Neckline Wrong For YOU Too?

The Secret to a Flattering Neckline

Sometimes the shape and width of a neckline can ruin your outfit.

And you might not even know it.

I love this top, see the above photo, but the neckline was too wide and showed more than it should.

Is This Neckline Wrong For YOU Too?

To solve this problem, I took a pin and slightly gathered the fabric, see photo below; voila, my neckline is no longer too wide for my features and my bra straps are no longer exposed.

Often it’s the little details that can make your clothes right or wrong for you. So when you put something on be a detective and do a little snooping around and pay attention to the details.

If you are looking for style transformation not just information, Book a Zoom call to find out how to work with me in-person or virtually, and finally love the clothes you wear and how you look in them.

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Will Jewelry Make Your Outfit Look Better?

Will Jewelry Make Your Outfit Look Better?


Will Jewelry Make Your Outfit Look Better?

There must be something in my client’s water, as lately so many of them are sharing jewelry designers they’ve met and want me to meet as well.

It’s likely not the water but more that they know how much I love using jewelry often and creatively to make some killer outfits for them.

Today I’ll share the beautiful and affordable designs by Amy Kanarek.

Amy has allowed me to customize her designs for my clients, so I can pick out the perfect metal and stone colors for their features and clothes.

Details matter, and when you wear the right ones you’ve hit the Jackpot. Even a simple all-black outfit or t-shirt and jeans become a watch-out world one with a necklace and earrings that bring out your features that adds personality to your wardrobe.

NOTE: If you make a purchase on Amy Kanarek, tell her Scarlett sent you.
If you are a client of mine I’ll make customized suggestions for you because YOU know why the details matter. 






1 Day Of Free Styling Tips To Get Your Own What Not To Wear Experience

Ready to Get Your Own What Not To Wear Day?

I love giving styling tips.

I love Q & A.

I love great advice.

So, when a brilliant businesswoman suggested I combine all of the above and offer a day of free tips to all, I said YES!!!

I hereby proclaim Thursday, July 26, 2018,
to be
Free Styling Tips Day.


All you have to do is post your question on my Scarlett Image FaceBook page with or without a photo and you’ll get my suggestions and recommendations to help solve whatever your what to wear issue may be.

Throw on one of your Go-To outfits, share a photo, and get a suggestion from me as to how to make your outfit go from okay to oh my.


Ask Me A Question

Here are just a few of the questions you may have on your mind:

How can I wear this ____________?

Should I wear this_______________?

What can I wear to make my ____________ look smaller?

What can I wear to make my _____________ look bigger?

Should I keep, consign, or donate this ________________?

What style of shoes should I wear with _______________?

What shoes are out there that won’t hurt my feet?

What, Why, When, Where ____________________________?

Now it’s your chance to get the answers that are swirling in your head each time you wonder what to wear or how to wear it.

Get Your Own What Not To Wear Get Your Own What Not To Wear

Trust me, Tim Gunn, Clinton Kelly, or Stacy London aren’t offering you their advice for free, however, I am but for only 1 day…so hurry on over to my Scarlett Image FaceBook page and get em while they’re hot!!

And please do tell your friends and family about my Free Styling Tips Day, simply because you’re the kind of person who shares once in a lifetime opportunities. 🙂


Note: Dress Without Stress enrollment ends July 31 st. In other words, time is running out for you to get my tips and feedback to help you be able to quickly and easily know what to wear when you look at your clothes. No more stressing about dressing for you!!

A Woman To Admire and Follow – Jane Pollak


Jane Pollak

Full disclosure, Jane Pollak has been a client of mine for about twelve years, but I was a follower of hers before we ever met.

Click here to see and hear what Jane Pollak has to say about me.

I heard Jane Pollak speak via a teleconference to professional image consultants, back in 2006, and was incredibly impressed with her tips for women entrepreneurs. I then went to hear her speak, bought her book, and introduced myself. Jane liked what I was wearing and the rest is, as they say, history.

Jane Pollak’s, Soul Proprietor: 101 Lessons from a Lifestyle Entrepreneur has taught me so much about how to run my business. Since I always look for more ideas to better serve my clients, a few years  I  just signed up for her The Soul Proprietor Coaching Program.

Jane Pollak has a tagline that I just love: Leading Remarkable Women To Uncommon Success. It is a joy for me to be Jane’s wardrobe stylist, so she looks as remarkable as the women she has coached.

Jane Pollak

Book of outfits styled by Scarlett

“I hired Scarlett at first to do my colors with our 341 Team, it was a really nice afternoon to share with the girls, we learned a lot about what not to wear. After that I hired her to come to my house, edit and organize my clothes and then we went to work, shopping. It really changed my life. She took the stress out of dressing for me. I can get ready for a meeting in 10 minutes now without thinking. I feel better about myself and more confident meeting with clients. In addition, I spend half as much money on clothing. We now go once a year, to fill in the gaps with some basic pieces or just to keep up with the fashion. Kind of like a tune up. I don’t feel the need to shop at all other times. I keep my closet clean and have half the clothes I used to but I wear all of them now.”Jane Pollak —Felicia Rubinstein

Go here to get my 5 Style Tips To Look Younger, Thinner and Taller.

Look younger, thinner & taller in less than1 hour! Book a free Get Acquainted session today!

© Scarlett De Bease & Scarlett Image, All Rights Reserved

THIS BLOG claims no credit for any images posted on this site unless otherwise noted. Images on this blog are copyright to its respectful owners. If there is an image appearing on this blog that belongs to you and do not wish for it appear on this site, please E-mail with a link to said image and it will be promptly removed.

4 Instant Makeover tips for Spring and Summer

instant makeover tips

Finally, the warmer weather is here, the daffodils are popping up and you too are ready to spring up and out with a new image.

So here are 4 instant makeover tips for you, that you can easily and without any expense, start implementing right now to update your looks.

#1. Wear your top out and not tucked into your waist. This will instantly make you appear thinner and taller and will also take a few years off your look.

#2. Change your hairstyle. Try bangs, change the side you part your hair, pull it back or wear your hair loose. Just try to wear it differently than you usually do, and next time you are due for a cut and or color, let the stylist make a suggestion rather than you telling him or her what you want. Hair grows back, so be open to experimenting a bit, and embrace change for a change.

#3. Don’t wear the same outfit over and over again. Instead of grabbing the same top and bottom that you always do, combine pieces that you normally don’t put together. Try wearing a nicer than ‘everyday’ top with your jeans, to update your look. or wearing another pair of shoes. And when you go shopping, DO NOT buy something you already have. Odds are you already have the black pants and white shirt! Right?

#4. Finally, the easiest and most effective wardrobe change that you can do, is to roll or push up your sleeves. This is one of the most important tips I give my clients, as by utilizing this simple styling tip, you will be amazed at what a difference it will make to your image.

Give all or any of these instant makeover tips a try, and let me know which are your favorite.

Go here to get my 5 Style Tips To Look Younger, Thinner and Taller.

Pssst…Overheard In The Dressing Room

“I highly recommend hiring Scarlett! She helped me purge the out-of-date and unattractive clothes from my closet, showed me new ways to wear my existing clothes & accessories to highlight my face and figure, and emailed me almost 50 pictures that evening of all of the outfits she put together. In addition, Scarlett made a list of the items I needed to purchase and can be hired to shop with me to make sure I make the best decisions. No more wasting time and money buying the wrong clothing items. She was a pleasure to work with and I had a great time in the process.” Denise Baliotti

© Scarlett De Bease & Scarlett Image, All Rights Reserved

THIS BLOG claims no credit for any images posted on this site unless otherwise noted. Images on this blog are copyright to its respectful owners. If there is an image appearing on this blog that belongs to you and do not wish for it appear on this site, please E-mail with a link to said image and it will be promptly removed.





Do You Ask Yourself These Questions?

What should I wear today?
What should I wear today?
  • What should I wear today?
  • How Can I look thinner?
  • What should I wear to an interview?
  • What should I wear to look professional?

Do you ever find yourself asking any or perhaps all of these questions?
If yes, you certainly are not alone.

The #1 question is of course: What should I wear today?

These are very common concerns for women entrepreneurs and for those over 40 who are reinventing themselves and their careers.  It all comes down to personal branding which basically means how you package your professional and personal image.

When you walk into a room to meet a potential client or for a job interview, the only thing you should be focused on is what you have to offer the person/people you are meeting. You should not be thinking about what you are wearing, if you are dressed properly, or hoping to fit in and not stand out in a negative manner.

Another kept quiet concern for many women: “Will I pop any seams because my clothes might be a bit too tight”.

Try these 3 tips to help you end the cycle of not knowing what to wear and stop asking what should I wear today?

  1. Go to a store you have never shopped in.
  2. Try clothes on that you think would not look good on you. You might really surprise yourself with experimenting a bit.
  3. Don’t tell yourself you want to lose weight before you buy new clothes.
It really isn’t just about what you’re wearing that will make the best first, second, etc. impression. It’s about how different you will feel when wearing the right fitting and looking clothes. You’ll no longer waste your time and energy thinking about your appearance when you really should be focussing on your business and profession.

There was a study done that women and men perceived themselves taller when they felt powerful. You automatically feel confident and powerful when you are wearing clothes that are perfect just for you. What women wouldn’t want to feel more powerful? Especially when over 40 and is beginning to feel her better days are behind her.

For the record, no way, no how is a woman over 40 past her prime.
It’s truly the opposite as now a woman over 40 is smarter, stronger and more informed than ever before to take control of her life and career.
She also is a far better judge of how to use her time.

So how is a person perceived? How you look 55%, how you sound 38%, and what you say 7%.

Yikes! That is 100% terrifying, but it doesn’t have to be that way.

Stop procrastinating on looking your best and taking care of your image, personal brand, ego, whatever you want to call it.

YOU are worth time and effort.

Pssst…Overheard In The Dressing Room

“You don’t have to wear 5 inch heals or lose 25 pounds at weight watchers, just spend one hour with Scarlett, and you will lose ten pounds and grow at least 4 inches. When she gives you the tools to work with and casts her spell on you, you gain a feeling of confidence you never know you had. Trust me, it happened to me, and it will happen to you”. ~ S.B. Stamford Ct.

Copyright ©, Scarlett Image™, All Rights Reserved

THIS BLOG claims no credit for any images posted on this site unless otherwise noted. Images on this blog are copyright to its respectful owners. If there is an image appearing on this blog that belongs to you and do not wish for it to appear on this site, please E-mail with a link to said image and it will be promptly removed.

Just Who Do You Think You Are, Telling Me What To Wear?

Welcome to Scarlett Says

How can I show you what to wear?

Have you ever wondered exactly what it is that I do? Come on, you know you’ve wondered what working with a wardrobe stylist is all about.  I bet you even have wondered what working with me is all about. And, oh working with a wardrobe stylist and personal shopper must only be for the wealthy and shop-a-holics, right?

I mean, just who do you think I am?

Well, now you can hear the answers to these questions and more in this episode of Scarlett Says.

You’ll also find out how to get 3 FREE wardrobe stylist tips from me, no strings attached, no small print, etc. This is my way of showing a woman who has not worked with me, how making only 3 changes in what she wears can totally change how she looks and feels about her appearance. All I need is your picture, sent to, and you will get my tips created specifically for you, and will those tips will help you know what to wear.

Have you gotten your copy of my Free Guide to find out what to wear:

Click here to see the  5 Style Tips To Instantly Make You Look Younger, Thinner & Taller?

what to wear“Scarlett is a God send. I was wearing the same outfits repeatedly and couldn’t decide how to dress better. Scarlett came to my house and in one session efficiently figured out the colors and style that looked best on me. Than she went to my closet and created coordinated outfits including shoes and jewelry and photographed everything so I have a personal file of outfits I can wear. The wardrobe stylist transformation has been lasting and significant. I have a new sense of myself.”

—Beth Martin, Scarsdale NY, Spiritual Life Coach/Grief Counselor

Copyright ©  Scarlett Image™., All Rights Reserved
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