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Tag: virtual wardrobe styling

Virtual Wardrobe Styling Will Show You What To Wear

Virtual Wardrobe Styling Will Show You What To Wear
Virtual Wardrobe Styling Will Show You What To Wear

It’s time for me to give it to you straight and stop avoiding telling you the truth.

If you’re experiencing:

1. Not knowing how to look good and still be comfortable.
2. Not knowing how to dress for your body shape.
3. A closet filled with clothes that don’t really go with each other.

Then you need to work with me because if you don’t, you’re going to experience:

1. Overwhelm, insecurity, frustration, and regret – another year wasted.
2. Feeling stuck and unhappy by continuing to wear and buy the same things over and over.
3. A realization you wasted an opportunity to look great now from the waist up on video and for when it’s time to get out of your house possibly, like me, few pounds heavier.

Invest and believe in yourself now while you have more time because not knowing what to wear is exhausting, frustrating and expensive.

I’ve been virtually showing women what clothes, colors, and styles work and don’t work for their shape, life, age, and budget for years and now it’s your turn.


It’s time for you to also stop being tired of stressing about dressing.

Sign up for either a basic or premium virtual styling consultation by April 30, and I’ll add my Dress Without Stress video course with unlimited
Q & A in a private FaceBook group as a bonus during these challenging times.

Virtual Wardrobe Styling Will Show You What To Wear
Virtual Wardrobe Styling Will Show You What To Wear

It’s important to shower, get dressed and put on some makeup almost every day so that we protect our minds to make ourselves feel better and stronger.

We might be a bit heavier in weight, but can be lighter in our thoughts by taking the time to learn how to look and feel our best.

With being in quarantine due to Covid-19 it’s way too easy to get lazy and stop caring about how we look, but when we can get out again how we look and present ourselves is going to be very important.


Wearing The Wrong Outfit Changed My Life

 Wearing The Wrong Outfit Changed My Life so…

Get ready for learning about my most embarrassing moment.

Have you ever wondered if I always knew what to wear?

The answer is NO!

When you listen to this interview by Sandy Weiner of The Woman Of Value podcast, you’ll hear one of my most humiliating life experiences, and it started with not knowing what to wear.

It took me over 20 years to share this embarrassing story.

So grab a cup of coffee, facial mask, or put on your makeup while you listen and learn.


Here’s the link to my virtual personal styling where for just $250.00 I show you how to finally stop wasting money on clothes you end up not wearing or even liking.

Yes, YOU can stop getting stressed and putting yourself down, because you’ll finally know how to dress your current body shape for the life you live on the budget you have.

How many more years will you waste?