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Tag: travel with a carryon suitcase

Do You Have Packaphobia? Find Out What To Pack For A Trip

Packaphobia: def: A condition of high stress and anxiety as a result of trying to figure out what to pack for a trip.

This is nothing to be ashamed of and please don’t be alarmed if you and many other women you know suffer from this stress provoking condition.
This is nothing to be ashamed of, can easily be treated, and fortunately, I have a cure.

I just packed for a week in Europe in two different countries, with the daytime temps in the high 70’s and the nights in the low 60’s. Personally, that is my kind of weather, not too hot or cold and a jacket is only needed at night.

what to pack for a trip

Here is what I packed, and how all the pieces can be interchanged to create more outfits that I could possibly wear for a 7 day period. Oh, and I forgot to mention that I only used a carry-on suitcase.

1 pair white straight leg jeans
1 pair dark denim straight leg jeans
1 tunic top that can be worn with either pair of pants
1 tan casual pencil skirt
2 sleeveless tops that can be worn with all bottoms
3 long sleeve tops that can be worn with all bottoms
1 sleeveless long dress
1  jacket that can be worn over all tops, and my dress, except the tunic
1 scarf
3 pair sandals (1 of which is for rainy days and to be used as my slippers in the hotel)
3 necklaces
3 pair earrings
1 watch
3 pair earrings
2 bras
4 pair panties
1 handbag
1 small umbrella

 I had plenty of room to spare, so I could bring home a few unique finds…
which I did.

NOTE: All fabrics, except one denim shirt and the skirt, are made of a polyester blend that does not wrinkle and takes up very little room in the bag. I wash my clothes in the sink with shampoo, so I can have clean clothes and underwear while traveling when needed. The polyester blend fabric dries very quickly and is easy to wash by hand.

Joy Behar of ABC’s, The View, throws out her underwear as she uses them when she travels, but I prefer not spending my money on disposable clothes.

Pssst…Overheard In The Dressing Room

“You helped me organize my clothes for the business trip I was going on with my husband. Well, we just got back from another annual trip and I packed the day before we left, with NO STRESS!!! When I dressed for our first night my husbands words were,”WOW you look great. Scarlett would be very proud of you.    Thanks for being such an important part of allowing me to feel good about myself.”
Sharyn Baer

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