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Tag: Tim Gunn

1 Day Of Free Styling Tips To Get Your Own What Not To Wear Experience

Ready to Get Your Own What Not To Wear Day?

I love giving styling tips.

I love Q & A.

I love great advice.

So, when a brilliant businesswoman suggested I combine all of the above and offer a day of free tips to all, I said YES!!!

I hereby proclaim Thursday, July 26, 2018,
to be
Free Styling Tips Day.


All you have to do is post your question on my Scarlett Image FaceBook page with or without a photo and you’ll get my suggestions and recommendations to help solve whatever your what to wear issue may be.

Throw on one of your Go-To outfits, share a photo, and get a suggestion from me as to how to make your outfit go from okay to oh my.


Ask Me A Question

Here are just a few of the questions you may have on your mind:

How can I wear this ____________?

Should I wear this_______________?

What can I wear to make my ____________ look smaller?

What can I wear to make my _____________ look bigger?

Should I keep, consign, or donate this ________________?

What style of shoes should I wear with _______________?

What shoes are out there that won’t hurt my feet?

What, Why, When, Where ____________________________?

Now it’s your chance to get the answers that are swirling in your head each time you wonder what to wear or how to wear it.

Get Your Own What Not To Wear Get Your Own What Not To Wear

Trust me, Tim Gunn, Clinton Kelly, or Stacy London aren’t offering you their advice for free, however, I am but for only 1 day…so hurry on over to my Scarlett Image FaceBook page and get em while they’re hot!!

And please do tell your friends and family about my Free Styling Tips Day, simply because you’re the kind of person who shares once in a lifetime opportunities. 🙂


Note: Dress Without Stress enrollment ends July 31 st. In other words, time is running out for you to get my tips and feedback to help you be able to quickly and easily know what to wear when you look at your clothes. No more stressing about dressing for you!!

The Fashion Industry Needs A Makeover

Fashion Industry Needs A Makeover
Fashion Industry Needs A Makeover

Why are so many, and I mean MANY, women struggling trying to find clothes that make them look great?

You know, what great looking is in terms of style and fashion, right? Being beautiful must mean looking like the models in magazines, TV and on the runway.



I love what Tim Gunn, of Project Runway, is saying, and I encourage you to watch the video, and see that it is NOT YOU!

When referring to the models wearing clothes meant to entice us, Tim Gunn eloquently explains that “We’ve been conditioned to think that’s what looks good”.

Look, I’ve been talking about this for years and even wrote my book, Stop Stressing About Dressing,  to help women of all sizes, shapes and ages stop getting frustrated and stressed out, so they become, empowered vs overwhelmed.

Tim Gunn on why the fashion industry
needs a makeover.

Fashion Industry Needs A Makeover
Who really looks like this?

Tim Gunn explains that silhouette, fit and proportion are the keys to making  keys a design more flattering, and he’s right…in terms of general advice.

But, when I advice a woman, I show her how certain details that she may never have noticed, can add pounds, reduce or enlarge features, plus give the illusion of being taller.

There are clothes out there for larger sized women vs  the ultra thin models and oh, let’s not leave out the ‘real housewives’ on TV. Heaven help us.

I find well fitting and flattering clothes all the time for my clients.
That’s My Job. It’s what I love to do.

For the women who choose to not get professional styling advice, I love Tim Gunn’s call to action:

As Tim Gunn famously says, and is now exclaiming:

“Designers, make it work!” 

So stop thinking something is wrong with you, or that losing weight will solve all your what to wear woes and wishes.

Come on now, even a women who is a size 8 can’t or shouldn’t, look like those models.

You and I, WE ARE NORMAL! We just need the fashion industry to accept and acknowledge  us.


Fashion Industry Needs A Makeover“I had a great time and was very impressed w/all the outfits you created. I’m so excited to see all the color you added to my existing wardrobe and love all the combinations you came up with. I can’t tell you how much you changed my outlook on clothing. I’m actually looking forward to wearing all the nice things you picked out and am no longer dreading going into my closet! You have no idea the stress I used to feel when it came to deciding what I was going to wear…Thanks so much for everything, Scarlett.” Adrienne Daniels