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Tag: Theory

3 Shopping Tips To End Your What Should I Wear misery

Hate Shopping For Clothes?

Would you or someone you know answer yes, to any of the questions below?    

1. Find yourself wearing the same few outfits over and over again?
2. Want to lose some weight before buying flattering and well fitting clothes.
3. Find shopping for clothes very stressful? 
4. Are you one of those women who hate shopping?
5. Feel that your body shape ‘issues’ are helpless?                        
6. Struggling with any of these issues for more than a few or more years? 

Good news: You are not alone, and you can break free from these often very depressing issues.

Bad news: You need to take action, stop making excuses, and start looking at yourself more positively.

I cannot begin to count, how often I hear one or all of the above from new clients. I also can tell you, that after I show her how beautiful she can look in the right clothes and accessories, she never feels bad about herself again.

Enough with the negatives.

Below are positive and effective steps you can start doing right away that will change your pattern of not treating yourself as well as you should plus starting to realize that you are totally capable of looking fabulous every single day.

1. Do not wear the same outfit twice in one week. Force yourself on this one.

2. Stop putting off getting nicer clothes than what you have been wearing, even if you do want to lose some weight. If it takes you months, years, and sometimes never to lose weight, why put off looking good now?

3. Go to a clothing store you don’t usually shop in, with the goal of finding just one well fitting and flattering piece. If you hate a particular body part, then ask the salesperson what label as clothes that work with that issue. Turn your “I hate shopping for clothes” into an adventure of exploration and fun.

I know which manufacturers make clothes for wide hips, shoulders, short legs, long legs, etc. So, if you try a pair of pants on and you hate how you look in them, it could very well be that the manufacturer does not make clothes for your body type.

As an example, Theory, a higher priced label, makes beautiful clothes designed to fit very straight body shapes. If you have any curves or bulges, then you most likely will look awful in their clothes and might get stressed and depressed. But another designer does make clothes that will fit and flatter you and then you will feel relieved and pleased with yourself.

So go ahead and break out of your routine and take a little time to look and feel good about yourself.

Note: Just for the record, I do not work with women who love to shop for clothes. They don’t really need me, and I find helping the woman who has lost the feeling good about her personal image, so much more rewarding and fun to work with.

Schedule your FREE Get Acquainted Call to find out how I can show you how to always know what to wear.

About Scarlett

Not A Fashionista

Scarlett De Bease, a professionally trained Image Consultant and Wardrobe Stylist, is the founder of “The Always Know What To Wear Program™“. As an Image Consultant, Entertaining Speaker & Savvy Personal Shopper, she shows women how to project confidence & success by always knowing what to wear.
As a bonus, Scarlett’s tips will help you Look Younger, Thinner and Taller while projecting Confidence & Success as you now will be wearing the clothes that fit and flatter you the most.
Since 2006, she has successfully changed the lives of many women, by showing them the correct clothes, colors, styles and accessories that will flatter them the most. If you keep buying clothes and still have nothing to wear, Scarlett will make it possible for you to always know what to wear.
Scarlett specializes in make-overs, that are fun and informative. She brings The What Not To Wear experience directly to your home or office, but without the tears, fears and trash can. Scarlett shows women how to Stop Stressing About Dressing.
Scarlett’s tips have nothing to do with size, age, income level, career, etc – It’s not about where you shop, it’s about what you buy.

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