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Tag: The Soul Proprietor Coaching Program

A Woman To Admire and Follow – Jane Pollak


Jane Pollak

Full disclosure, Jane Pollak has been a client of mine for about twelve years, but I was a follower of hers before we ever met.

Click here to see and hear what Jane Pollak has to say about me.

I heard Jane Pollak speak via a teleconference to professional image consultants, back in 2006, and was incredibly impressed with her tips for women entrepreneurs. I then went to hear her speak, bought her book, and introduced myself. Jane liked what I was wearing and the rest is, as they say, history.

Jane Pollak’s, Soul Proprietor: 101 Lessons from a Lifestyle Entrepreneur has taught me so much about how to run my business. Since I always look for more ideas to better serve my clients, a few years  I  just signed up for her The Soul Proprietor Coaching Program.

Jane Pollak has a tagline that I just love: Leading Remarkable Women To Uncommon Success. It is a joy for me to be Jane’s wardrobe stylist, so she looks as remarkable as the women she has coached.

Jane Pollak

Book of outfits styled by Scarlett

“I hired Scarlett at first to do my colors with our 341 Team, it was a really nice afternoon to share with the girls, we learned a lot about what not to wear. After that I hired her to come to my house, edit and organize my clothes and then we went to work, shopping. It really changed my life. She took the stress out of dressing for me. I can get ready for a meeting in 10 minutes now without thinking. I feel better about myself and more confident meeting with clients. In addition, I spend half as much money on clothing. We now go once a year, to fill in the gaps with some basic pieces or just to keep up with the fashion. Kind of like a tune up. I don’t feel the need to shop at all other times. I keep my closet clean and have half the clothes I used to but I wear all of them now.”Jane Pollak —Felicia Rubinstein

Go here to get my 5 Style Tips To Look Younger, Thinner and Taller.

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