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Tag: Target

This Spring Color Will Brighten Up Your Outfit

I’m keeping it simple as I want you to have more time to go out and bring some of the Spring colors from the outside into your home and onto your body.

Spring colors, as in nature, will brighten up your mood
as well as basic outfits.

This Spring Color Will Brighten Up Your Outfit

This bright, cheery, light and VERY affordable bag by A New Day, is made for  Target Stores at only $39.95.

You just can’t go wrong at that price.

This happy, and we sure can use some happy, green color looks great with black, navy, grey and white. Actually, it will work with almost every color and turn a yawn-inducing outfit into a “thank you” for the compliment outfit.

Also, the joy of a handbag is that it will fit you no matter what you ate the night before.

Not that I know anything about that…I wish.

PS. the red necklace in the background is fantastic too, but only if the color is right for you.

Psssst.  Do you have closet shame?
I’ll be giving some breakup advice soon..for free. No not for your love life, but for your closet. I want to help you end any bad relationships you may have hiding in your closet.

It’s ok..I’m here for you.


This Spring Color Will Brighten Up Your Outfit

“Working with Scarlett is a revelation!  As I transitioned from a full time Corporate gig into my Entrepreneurial pursuits, it became more important than ever to not only look good and feel good in my clothes during the work week, but every day of the week!  We don’t just create our future as Entrepreneurs on specific days – we create our future every day of the week.  The revelation is that we need to look and feel our best every single day – no more leaving my best self at the office!  Want to know the real secret?  I should have always been bringing my best self with me but somehow I left that best self hanging in the closet with those business clothes.

Now, with the help of Scarlett to find my happy place with the right image and an amazing closet redo, I am comfortable and confident in my clothes every day – even when I am out shopping with the kids.  Scarlett works with you to make you feel good inside and look good outside.  True successful living really does come from a balance of both.  You have to invite Scarlett into your life and see for yourself the amazing transformation that she creates!”

Cheryl Marks Young

Because You’re Worth It!

L’Oreal had it right when they started reminding women back in 1973 that they were worthy of taking good care of themselves. Here is a L’Oreal, because you’re worth it, commercial with the beautiful Kerry Washington, before her days on one of my favorite TV shows, Scandal.

Because you’re worth it advertising campaign  commercial.

So if women are worth it, why do so many do and give more to their family, friends, and even their pets, than they give to themselves?

Has anything like this happened to you?

Your daughter or granddaughter wants you to buy her bras and panties at Victoria Secret, and you are buying yours at Kohls or Target? Of course, this is assuming you have even bothered buying yourself new lingerie within the past 5 years!


She wants exercise clothes from the, watch out if your thighs are too big, and expensive Lululemon, while you have been wearing the same leggings and T-Shirts for years. Even worse, you might actually work out, while the youngster is just looking to strut her stuff, which is perfect by the way without a single squat or sit-up. Oh the injustice….. but I digress.

Recently a client told me she had her wakeup call, when she realized her barely a teenager daughter had better workout clothes than she did, and I was the woman many years ago when after having spent a fortune at Victoria Secret for my ‘budding’ daughter, realized that the scales of self-care were tipping in the wrong direction. Something inside of me snapped, and I marched myself into a lingerie boutique to treat myself to higher quality and better fitting bras simply because I am worth it! I have never stopped taking care of me since then.

There’s a problem with doing more for others than for ourselves. We are unwittingly making ourselves unhappy by lowering our self-esteem and self-confidence.

It is not selfish to acknowledge you are worth the trouble or expense of self-care. On the contrary it is smart and helpful as you are teaching your children and spouses that you are important and not insignificant.

If you find often denying yourself a decent haircut, coloring,  manicure, a well fitting bra, new clothes or even a vacation so you can give more to others, then you are actually giving less since you are diminishing yourself. When we become smaller we have less to give from our hearts and that is really the only place we have so much to give and share.

You Still Got It!

I strongly believe that every woman is worth it, and if you feel the same way please contact me
to schedule your 15 minute You Still Got It, Free Consultation.

“I want other women to experience your magic.
Scarlett is AMAZING!! I can’t believe I waited this long to find someone like her. I don’t like shopping, and SHE DOES and she has the best eye. Before working with her, I was in old, tired, out of date wear. Now I look and feel terrific. Somehow she finds the PERFECT clothes at an INCREDIBLE price. I can’t wait to have her line up my fall fashions. Thanks Scarlett! Everyone’s raving about my look now!”

because you're worth it

Linda Albright Unleash Your Business.

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