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Tag: Stephanie Goetsch

Professional Image Counts for Getting The Job of Your Dreams

Professional ImageProfessional Image Counts for Getting The Job of Your Dreams

I am delighted to introduce you to my first guest blogger, Stephanie Goetsch, and know that you would want to share her excellent advice on professional image with those you know who are interviewing for jobs and/or the college grads who will be heading off into the job search market.

Ace the Interview with Image 101

“Finding a better job” is among the Top 10 most made New Year’s Resolutions. If you’ll be ringing in the New Year determined to find the career of your dreams then this is for you.
There’s so much more to landing your dream job than simply sending off your resume – like acing the interview. Did you know image is as much a part of your interview success as your answers? Oh yeah, it is.
Interview Image 101 all begins with company culture. Let me explain…
You’ve done your homework to prepare for the interview and now the big day is here. First thing you need to do: get dressed. But it’s not quite as simple as it sounds. Let’s take a look at Interview Image 101: Business Do’s & Don’ts.

Image rules exist not to stifle your personal style, or make you a corporate drone, but to ensure nothing distracts from your message – your qualifications are the star of this show. What you choose to wear to your interview must complement your message and importantly show your future employer you “get them,” their culture and mission.

What you wear to the interview shows whether or not you ‘get’ the company culture and if you’ll be an employee fit.

This may come as a shock, but the classic business black suit is not always appropriate. Your image, what you wear, should reflect the company culture of your future employer, thereby sending the message you “get it.” If you are interviewing for a position on Wall Street, or with a major consulting firm, bank, or other conservative employer, go with a complementary conservative look (think a pressed black or navy blue suit). On the other hand, if you’re interviewing with a grassroots non-profit, your image should convey a polished but “down to earth” message (think clean and crisp khakis, blazer and collared shirt).

Can’t decide the right look? Consider how the CEO of your dream employer would dress and mimic his/her look. It’s always good to aim high!

Professional ImageScarlett’s insight & knowledge of color choices, jewelry shapes and neckline styles has helped me create a successful system for my wardrobe. Her approachability & understanding of my concerns was key for my choosing her to be my stylist. From conference rooms & classes to client consultations, I now have more confidence & “curb appeal!” Thank you Scarlett!

—Margaret Ann Innis

Schedule your Get Acquainted Call to find out how I can show you how to always know what to wear.

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