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Tag: Sholdit

You Have To See This Great and Practical Scarf

Q. Is it a scarf, a purse or a stylish accessory?

A.The Sholdit is all three, and can make any outfit look great while freeing you up from having to carry a handbag.
Imagine not having to lug a bag while shopping, pushing a stroller or shopping cart, taking a walk, etc.

When I saw this scarf on The Today Show, I thought I had to share it with you, and what a great gift this would make to your friends and family. It is available in various colors and styles, and as a wardrobe stylist I love finding unique items that can multi task, be practical yet look great. Being practical can look good too!

wardrobe stylist

Wardrobe Stylist Scarlett is a God send. I was wearing the same outfits repeatedly and couldn’t decide how to dress better. Scarlett came to my house and in one session efficiently figured out the colors and style that looked best on me. Than she went to my closet and created coordinated outfits including shoes and jewelry and photographed everything so I have a personal file of outfits I can wear. The wardrobe stylist transformation has been lasting and significant. I have a new sense of myself.
Spiritual Life Coach/Grief Counselor —Beth Martin, Scarsdale NY

Want to simplify your style without compromising on fashion? Book a call with me, and I’ll help you discover accessories like the Sholdit to free up your hands and amp up your outfits!

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