Do You Think Miley Cyrus Is Sexy?

Everyone is talking about Miley Cyrus in her bizarre and disturbing performance at the 2013 VMA, MTV Video Music Award show. If you have not seen it, and it is something to behold, go to YouTube, and search for Miley Cyrus at the VMA 2013 show. You might hate or thank me for sharing it with you, but read on before you judge me too harshly.
Once I stopped saying ewwwwwe, closed my wide open gaping mouth and controlled my uncomfortable laughter, I realized that Miley Cyrus simply does not know what sexy is.
Miley Cyrus was barely singing and her dancing to Robin Thicke’s Blurred Lines, was in my view very similar to Elaine’s moves in the classic Seinfeld episode. Jerking and contorting does not mean dancing. Check out one of my favorite TV scenes below. Neither Elaine or Miley Cyrus appear sexy with their moves.
I am convinced that the majority of men who watched Miley Cyrus perform in the VMA show, vowed to be celibate after watching her attempt to be sexy. Which leads me to ask: How does a women look and act sexy?
Well, the wrong way was explained very well by Miley Cyrus, and the right way is demonstrated every day by millions of women, either in public or on TV and magazines.
These are just a few of the things I believe makes a woman sexy, and they have nothing to do with clothes, breast or lip sizes.
1. Self-confidence
2. Wisdom
3. A large variety of life’s experiences
4. Sense of humor
5. Compassion
6. A generous heart
What would you add?
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