10 Fashion Resolutions For Women
10 Fashion Resolutions For Women
1. I will no longer wear clothes that are too tight, which means trying a size up now and then to get the right fit.
2. I will get an annual Bra fitting and get a few new bras to replace the ones that have stretched out.
3. I will get a few new tops that skim my middle and disguise the tummy.
4. I will only wear leggings with tops that cover my derriere because Leggings are not pants.
5. I will stop buying the same tops and pants in multiple colors, over and over again.
6. I will not wear shorts and tights together or encourage others to do so.

7. I will never wear shearling slippers as shoes no matter how rushed I may be.
8. I will never wear Pajama pants outside of my home unless I am at a slumber party.
9. I will never wear socks with sandals. If my feet are cold, I’ll wear boots.
10. I will stop only wearing shoes that look comfortable and find shoes that look stylish while providing comfort because they really do exist.
End your closet shame here with these free tips to help you break up with the clothes that are doing you wrong.
“As the owner of a marketing agency, personal shopper Scarlett understood the “look” I wanted to achieve. She presented me with mix-and-match options that were age-appropriate and budget-friendly. Now, I feel much more confident when I am making new business presentations, facilitating client meetings and attending networking events. I actually look forward to getting dressed each day. I can’t wait to shop with Scarlett again!”—Heather B. Habelka,
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