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Tag: Photoshop

When Photoshop Goes Wrong & Why Aren’t My Thighs This Skinny?

Why aren’t my thighs this skinny too?

Photoshop on womenWhy oh why can’t I or most other women ever seem to look as perfect as the models and celebrities I see in print?

No matter how well a woman may eat, diet, exercise, or pamper her skin and mind, she just can’t seem to look as good as those ‘perfect’ models and celebrities.

Thankfully, I must admit, that even my beloved clients cannot compare to the women I recently saw a story about the crazy use of Photoshop on women.  Body parts are edited out in error, waists whittled down to impossible sizes, and so much more or shall I say less, all towards the goal of modeling artificial and unobtainable perfection.

But, wait, how can they compare? My naturally beautiful, and may I add, well-dressed clients have not been re-touched with Photoshop for photos like this well-known actress.

Her legs were edited into a position even a contortionist could not achieve. It appears her right leg is attached to her left hip. In this case, who would want to look like that?

Is anybody out there as mad as I am about this?

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