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Tag: pear shape

Pear Shape Tips

Pear Shape Tips

Do you have a pear shape, triangle shape, or small shoulders?

When you need or want, to distract from a wider middle and hips, bring attention to your shoulders.

By bringing the eye up, the middle and bottom will be less noticeable.

Isn’t that what most women really want?

Use color blocking, patterns, scarves, and statement necklaces, not a thin strand of pearls or a small pendant-style piece to bring the focus up and away from below.

I took a picture of the top, see above, I saw in a store to show how color-blocking is ideal for making small shoulders look broader and taking attention away from anything below.

And then she said

Pear Shape Tips

“I had a ball going through my closet with you and our color consult was helpful and revealing.  I loved your advice about necklines, waist lines, jewelry, and colors to wear near my face. Now, I am happy to have my eyes pop instead of a double chin or a padded hip. It fascinated me to discover why some perfectly lovely items do not leave me feeling as confident as I thought they should. I didn’t think it likely but you found outfits that I would not have put together and you re-created 20 outfits from what I already owned. I can’t wait to pack for my upcoming trip. I am a Scarlett Image convert.”    —Denise Costabile
Alpha Interiors

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