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Tag: packing a carryon bag

How to Fold Clothes For Packing a Suitcase

how to fold clothes for packing a suitcase

I’ve given the suggestions as to what to pack for as long as a week and with only a carry-on suitcase in other posts, but it is also important to know how to fold the clothes so you make the best use of a smaller amount of space.

I only took a few lingerie items, as they are easily hand washed in the hotel room, there is no need for more than 2 bras and perhaps 4 pairs of panties, I use the space in my shoes, which are in the shoe bags on top of my clothes, to stuff panties, socks, makeup, jewelry, etc. Since I was going to London, I knew packing an umbrella would be wise, and it did come in handy as you can see here.

how to fold clothes for packing a suitcase

Note, that the top portion of the suitcase is empty. that is where you can pack all your makeup and toiletries, in clear bags, so as to easily access them if needed for security purposes.

Above are the clothes I wore for my flight and packed with the handbag I used for my laptop, magazines, wallet, and a few other items I wanted to have handy on the airplane. If traveling to a tropical location, you can use the same bag for beach or pool use. Always think in terms of double duty.

I created a video for you, that shows how to fold clothes for packing a suitcase. I show each step of how I folded my clothes into a bundle. I got this great packing style tip from Real Simple Magazine.

Packing doesn’t have to be stressful or take up too much space! If you want to master the art of packing efficiently and stylishly for your next trip, book a call with me here and I’ll show you how to travel light without sacrificing your wardrobe options.

LOVE your tips! Thanks to your how to pack a carry on suitcase tips, I was able to pack for my 15 day destination wedding and honey moon using only a carry-on suitcase! Of course, I am carrying my wedding dress onto the plane separately.
—M. Vizvary Ct.

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