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Tag: Oprah magazine

Time To Know How To Wear Skinny Pants for Women Over 40

Time To Know How To Wear Skinny Pants

Back a few years ago, I would not wear skinny pants simply because I looked terrible in them. Tops were typically designed to be cropped and the skinny pants were made so tight, that tools were practically required to pry my body in or out of them.

But then fashion designers heard the cries of women all over the world, as they wiggled their way out of their skinny pants, and added lycra to them so women would no longer need to go to extremes to get in and out of their skinny pants.

Around the same time, cropped tops were being replaced with longer tops. Perhaps designers actually noticed that most women over the age of 30 were tired of pulling down their shirts so has not to expose their belly buttons.

Now, I knew how to wear skinny pants and show many of my clients how to do so as well.

Here are some of my tips on how to wear skinny pants, no mater what age or size a woman may be:

1. Curvy, hippy or wider in the middle shapes women should wear tops that stop just below the widest part of your hips.
2. Straight body shapes can wear tops that meet the waistline or all the way down to to the hips. See below, how one of my clients looks fabulous in the right pair of skinny pants in one of these before and after pictures from

how to wear skinny pants








3. Skinny pants can be worn tucked into boots, with flats or heels. Personally, I love wearing skinny pants with boots.

The photos on the top of this post are from a How To Wear skinny jeans feature, with great tips by Adam Glassman, in the February 2013 issue of Oprah magazine.

 You Still Got It!

So what if you’re over 40, 50, 60 and you no longer wear the same size you used to. That doesn’t mean you can’t look great and walk into a room totally confident with how you look and what you are wearing.

I strongly believe that every woman deserves to look and feel her best.  contact me  to schedule your 15 minute You Still Got It, Free Consultation and find out how you can  stop stressing about dressing your body.

how to wear skinny pants
“I just wanted to thank you for helping me complete my life ‘transformation’. Meeting you and working with you has been extraordinary and I am extremely grateful! After a divorce, and then working at a new and hugely stressful full time nursing management job, caring for my “special” son, and my daughter’s wedding… I began the journey to improve my health. I lost 40 pounds, and 1 1/2 years later left my job to pursue my fabulous new health coaching business. All that is great and I can hardly believe how fortunate I have been to have this opportunity.
My walk in closet, however, was like a scary haunted house!
I decided that YOU would be my birthday gift to myself… BEST GIFT EVER!!
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…. and then the best part! A shopping spree at Nordstroms (birthday gift continues…). You had wonderful things hanging and waiting for me. You helped me choose the most flattering clothes for my new size, my
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I now have a fabulous, neat, organized closet, thanks to you and your GUIDE, and I am now able to choose outfits in less than 2 minutes (including accessories!).
Scarlett, you are amazing and I am grateful that we met, and that now I feel like my transformation is complete.” —Miriam Kahn Take Shape For Life

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