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Tag: Nina Manolson

Is Your Food Impacting Your Style?

Is Your Food Impacting Your Style?

This is a first for me, but based on how often I hear a woman talk about how much she struggles with her body image issues, I want you to read this guest post from Nina Manolson. She really gets it and knows how to change the damaging negative self talk.
She and I have a lot in common. We want YOU to feel great about yourself.
Is Your Food Impacting Your Style?

“I know you’ve seen them – women who radiate style and beauty. They may not even be wearing the most fabulous outfit – but they shine – because they feel good from the inside out.

There’s a French saying that sums up this feeling quite perfectly – “Je me sens bien dans ma peau” – I feel good in my own skin!

That’s what we women want, right…to feel good in our own body.

But often we don’t.

It’s not that we don’t know how to. Sure we do. We know we “should” be drinking more water or eating more greens. That’s not the mystery.

The big mystery in feeling good in our own skin is how to actually make it happen!

  • You’re busy! (Not a lot of time in the kitchen & staying up late!)
  • You’re stressed! (Cranky and going for whatever food is within reach.)
  • You’re taking care of others! (Where is that ‘me’ time?)

I get it! I’ve been there. I know what it’s like to not be taking great care of myself and having that inner conversation about my dress hugging my tush too much, or thinking my top makes my arms look too big. I’ve had those painful conversations in the mirror that tell me to go on another diet! And I want to tell you – from both the perspective of being on the other side (living in a body I’ve learned to love) and from helping many, many women feel good in their bodies – these self-critical voices can stop!

You can feel great in your body!

You deserve to get dressed in the morning radiating your style from the inside out.

Here are 3 tips to get you living your style from the inside out. (Be sure to take advantage of tip #3, it’s a powerful resource that’s free and available for you right now!)

  1. Take 3 long full breaths – yup right now.

I know, you’ve heard it before, but really, it makes a difference. Breath in for the count of four, hold your breath for a moment and exhale for the count of 4. Do it 4 times.

This type of rhythmic and slow breathing resets your nervous system. It shifts us from stress mode into relaxation mode. It’s hard to be loving yourself when you’re in stress mode. It’s hard to look really radiant and shine your natural style when you’re stressed out! When we’re relaxed we not only look more beautiful, but we also boost our metabolism and calorie burning capacity!

  1. Choose clothes that excite your senses.

Wear colors you love, or textures that are soft and sexy feeling, or perhaps put on something super cozy and safe feeling. Get your sensuality involved. When we connect to our sensuality, we also gain access to pleasure. Pleasure relaxes us (see above for the powerful effects of relaxation).

There’s nothing quite as stylish as a women who radiates sensuality and pleasure! That is truly feeling good in our own skin!

  1. Get Support to make a real shift from “knowing” what to do to feel your best, to actually “doing” it!  

If you’re struggling because you know you’re not eating right, but you just can’t seem to stop, ask for help. Stop being at war with your body and food, and step into a truly nourishing approach.

Check out my free call: “I KNOW I’M NOT EATING RIGHT BUT I JUST CAN’T SEEM TO STOP”. This will help you identify what’s keeping you in the painful “I wish I hadn’t eaten that” pattern.

If eating too much sugar, or eating late at night (or eating too much) is cramping your style (and not just your clothing style), I want to encourage you to stop the lonely war with yourself and instead reach out for guidance. This class is a great first step.

Try these 3 ways to get your inner style radiating and let me know how it goes for you!

Nina Manolson helps women over 40 end their war with food and make peace with their body.  She is a Certified Psychology of Eating Teacher and Holistic Health Coach, with 20 years experience in the Health and Wellness field. She also holds a Masters degree in Counseling Psychology.

She’s the founder of and invites you to her free call: I KNOW I’M NOT EATING RIGHT, BUT I JUST CAN’T SEEM TO STOP. 

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