Tag: Nike
Then, Don’t!
Written by Scarlett De Bease on . Posted in Accessorizing, Image and Style, What To Wear.
I love the Christmas season. I love the decorating, family traditions, shopping for special gifts, and the food. Basically I seem to enjoy just about all the things that often seem to stress out others.
However I only do what brings me and those close to me a smile.
This year, I simply want to ask you to try to do the same.
Start with something small and simple.
If you don’t like how you feel in a pair of pants, dress or top, then don’t wear them.
If you don’t like how a lipstick looks on you, don’t wear it.
If a cream stings and iiritates your skin, then don’t apply it anymore despite the $$$ you may have paid for it.
If a pair of shoes are laying dusty on the floor of your closet, because when you wear them you get pain shooting in your feet, then don’t wear or keep them anymore.
Instead of Following Nike’s slogan Just Do It, I say Don’t Do It.
“I yearned to look as good on the outside as I felt on the inside but lacked the know how to get there.I scrolled through Scarlett’s website saying YES; this woman knows my pain!
I DO stress about dressing. I DO waste time and money accumulating clothes which don’t flatter me.
We arranged a shopping date and when I arrived at the store dressing room, Scarlett had culled an entire wardrobe for me based on a questionnaire and some photos I had sent her. 99% of the items (slacks, tops, sweaters, boots, hats, jewelry,coats) suited me to a tee; all fit well and enhanced my coloring. My new look elicited compliments from every one of the gals. I meet with on Friday night.
THANK YOU Scarlett for you expertise in navigating the very stressful, overwhelming world of style, brands and products.” Jane Coakley NY
Psst. Want to be part of a private club that has free membership, and allows you a place to Stop Stressing About Dressing?
Of course you do, so request to join my FaceBook group and be a part of a community of women who share our wardrobe ups and downs.
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