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Tag: mutton dressed as lamb

How To Have a Wardrobe That Is Age Appropriate and Look Good Over 40

How To Have a Wardrobe That Is
Age Appropriate and Look Good Over 40

It’s tough out there for some women over 40, 50, 60, and beyond to choose clothes that are flattering and age-appropriate.

Whether for work or play, women are often confused as to what their wardrobe should consist of.

One of the most common goals a new client shares with me is wanting to look current but not silly. In other words, she wants to know how to have a wardrobe that is age appropriate and stylish, but not like she’s trying hard to look younger.

She might realize that her clothes are outdated, but feels silly when trying on the latest fashion trends.

There is a great expression in England, that pretty much sums it up: Mutton dressed as lamb. Def: a way of describing an ‘older’ woman who is dressed in a style that is more suitable for a younger woman.

Ex: “Do you think this dress is too young-looking for me? – I don’t want to look like mutton dressed as lamb.”

The problem with dressing in styles that are best for the under-35 set, is that they actually make us look older and sometimes silly.

You’ve likely seen some women wearing skirts or tops that are too short, holes in their pants, or wobbling in high-heeled shoes and thought: I don’t want to be ‘that’ woman.

Not knowing what style of clothes to buy and wear, is why some women question their fashion choices and start to get insecure and unsure when shopping.

I show my clients the very specific styling details that’ll fit and flatter their unique features, and how to have outfits that take their style out of the past, while not looking like she’s trying to look younger.

Dress age-appropriate tip: When a woman wears the right fitting clothes and styles specifically best for her, she automatically looks younger, professional, and more approachable.

So what can you do to avoid the mutton dressed as lamb dilemma?

Here are a few suggestions.

  1. Even if you are lucky enough to have a body that can fit into junior clothes, don’t shop in that department. For starters, the styles are designed for teenagers and the quality is not what you, as an adult, deserve.
  2. Go easy on the bling, and trends.  If a 15-year-old is wearing it,  you shouldn’t!
  3. Focus on fit and not size. Avoid getting trapped by only wanting to wear a certain size, even if it means squeezing into the garment. Too tight, can make us look bigger, older, and completely miserable.

Ready to know what to wear for anything on your calendar, no matter your size or age? 

Apply for a complimentary Know What To Wear Call here, and I’ll tell you why you don’t always know what to wear and how to fix it.

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