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Tag: Make Them Fit Please

The Perils Of High Heels

Do you try to wear shoes that fit perfectly as Cinderella’s did, or attempt to cram your tootsies into the ‘perfect’ shoe just like her evil step-sisters?

The Perils Of High Heels
The Perils Of High Heels

Many women are so determined to cram their feet in the wrong shoe, which in itself is not a natural look, just so they can wear certain styles, despite the pain and consequences.

I remember years ago I was shopping an incredible shoe sale in a very high-end store.  So many gorgeous shoes and boots all around me, at irresistibly low prices, yet I became frozen as I could not take my eyes off of one customer’s feet.

She was impeccably dressed, had towers of shoe boxes all around her and her credit card was about to turn to smoke from her huge purchase.
But, I could stop staring at those feet. You see, she had just finished testing out another pair of gorgeous, delicate and pointy-toed high heels, and she looked fantastic until she sat down and removed the shoes.
Never before had I seen feet like hers. They had bumps all over them, toes were curled in a multiple of directions and the arch of her feet resembled the Arc de Triumph in Paris, France.

The Perils Of High Heels

Please know that I am in no way exaggerating how deformed and unsightly her feet looked. I vowed right then, with the same power and conviction as Scarlett O’Hara did in Gone With The Wind, that as long as I would be wearing shoes, I would never be in foot pain again!

Why would I? I now saw first hand, actually first foot, what happens to women’s feet when they are forced to fit into shoes that look pretty but do not return the compliment to the wearer’s feet.

This problem is an issue for celebrities as well. Take a look at Supermodel Iman’s feet, which show the signs of may years of wearing shoes that were too tight and high for a woman to be walking in.

The Perils Of High Heels

On April 24, 2014, The New York Times had an article titled Make Them Fit, Please!  The article describes how some women are having procedures done to their feet beyond removing bunions, so they can wear designer shoes and high heels. Extreme measures for extreme shoes, with some women requesting to have their pinkie toes removed so they can wear some of the designer shoes, made so famous Sarah Jessica Parker portraying Carrie Bradshaw in Sex And The City.

I have a better idea. How about designers create beautiful shoes to fit our feet, instead of forcing us to fit into their shoes causing us deformities, pain, and short tempers too!

Thankfully there more and more companies are designing shoes to give us comfort, support, and style.
If you would like to ask for my recommendations, feel free to place your foot dilemma in the comment box below, and I will make some suggestions in a variety of price points so foot comfort can reign supreme!

Why sacrifice comfort for style when you can have both? If you’re tired of cramming your feet into shoes that look great but feel terrible, it’s time for a change. Book a call with me here and I’ll help you find stylish, comfortable shoes that compliment your feet—without the pain!

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