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Tag: Kerry Washington

Are you A Gladiator?


Are you A Gladiator?

Are you A Gladiator? Well, I am here to say that I am a loud and proud Gladiator, which is what fans of the TV show Scandal are called.

If you love the show, you know why we’re called Gladiators.

So why am I telling you this?

Well, this all stems from an OMG, I love Scandal too conversation I was recently having with a fellow entrepreneur, and then she said something that made my Wardrobe Stylist ears perk up big time.

“My style is like Kerry Washington’s character Olivia Pope, but I can’t dress like her”.

Oh really?
I say, au contraire.

So I respond with, what about Viola Davis who stars in How To Get Away With Murder?”

After all, her character, Annalise Keating, also has a drop dead, pun intended, gorgeous wardrobe.


Are you A Gladiator


Despite both actresses being different in age, size, coloring and features, each have incredible wardrobes and truly enviable outerwear.

Not sure if it is ever hot in How To Get Away With Murder or on Scandal.

Shame on you, 

I’m talking about the weather.

In both shows, the actresses always seems to be wearing stunning, and I mean really, really, gorgeous coats and capes.

I guess ShondaLand, which is what the shows that producer Shonda Rhimes has created are called, is someplace that doesn’t have temps above 60 degrees.

Spoiler Alert:  Maybe now wouldn’t be a good time to check out Annalise’s wardrobe as she is in prison. Trust me, it isn’t pretty right now.

So, here’s the thing; dressing well has nothing to do with size or age, and everything to do with specifics.

In these photos:

  • each woman is wearing red, but note in very different shades.
  • each is wearing a jacket, see I told you it’s always cold in ShondaLand, but in styles that flatter their individual shapes.
  • each woman looks incredibly confident and powerful.

YOU can dress like a confident and powerful woman too. All you have to do is know how.

Please stop thinking you can’t and start knowing you can.

See my on-line course  I created to get you from where you want to be, to actually being there.

The makeover you’ve always dreamed about getting, is only a click away.

Are you a Gladiator too?


Because You’re Worth It!

L’Oreal had it right when they started reminding women back in 1973 that they were worthy of taking good care of themselves. Here is a L’Oreal, because you’re worth it, commercial with the beautiful Kerry Washington, before her days on one of my favorite TV shows, Scandal.

Because you’re worth it advertising campaign  commercial.

So if women are worth it, why do so many do and give more to their family, friends, and even their pets, than they give to themselves?

Has anything like this happened to you?

Your daughter or granddaughter wants you to buy her bras and panties at Victoria Secret, and you are buying yours at Kohls or Target? Of course, this is assuming you have even bothered buying yourself new lingerie within the past 5 years!


She wants exercise clothes from the, watch out if your thighs are too big, and expensive Lululemon, while you have been wearing the same leggings and T-Shirts for years. Even worse, you might actually work out, while the youngster is just looking to strut her stuff, which is perfect by the way without a single squat or sit-up. Oh the injustice….. but I digress.

Recently a client told me she had her wakeup call, when she realized her barely a teenager daughter had better workout clothes than she did, and I was the woman many years ago when after having spent a fortune at Victoria Secret for my ‘budding’ daughter, realized that the scales of self-care were tipping in the wrong direction. Something inside of me snapped, and I marched myself into a lingerie boutique to treat myself to higher quality and better fitting bras simply because I am worth it! I have never stopped taking care of me since then.

There’s a problem with doing more for others than for ourselves. We are unwittingly making ourselves unhappy by lowering our self-esteem and self-confidence.

It is not selfish to acknowledge you are worth the trouble or expense of self-care. On the contrary it is smart and helpful as you are teaching your children and spouses that you are important and not insignificant.

If you find often denying yourself a decent haircut, coloring,  manicure, a well fitting bra, new clothes or even a vacation so you can give more to others, then you are actually giving less since you are diminishing yourself. When we become smaller we have less to give from our hearts and that is really the only place we have so much to give and share.

You Still Got It!

I strongly believe that every woman is worth it, and if you feel the same way please contact me
to schedule your 15 minute You Still Got It, Free Consultation.

“I want other women to experience your magic.
Scarlett is AMAZING!! I can’t believe I waited this long to find someone like her. I don’t like shopping, and SHE DOES and she has the best eye. Before working with her, I was in old, tired, out of date wear. Now I look and feel terrific. Somehow she finds the PERFECT clothes at an INCREDIBLE price. I can’t wait to have her line up my fall fashions. Thanks Scarlett! Everyone’s raving about my look now!”

because you're worth it

Linda Albright Unleash Your Business.

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