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Tag: John Rasiej

Professional Wardrobe Advice for Women Entrepreneurs

professional wardrobe advice

Professional wardrobe advice for women entrepreneurs and speakers is available, affordable, and essential if you are looking to grow your business, get more clients, and feel confident about your appearance.

Please answer the following questions and note how many have YES, as an answer:

1. Are you one of the many talented and successful women entrepreneurs who are not sure that your professional wardrobe is appropriately representing your accomplishments and talents?
2. Do you feel that you look out of style or lack any style?
3. Do you look into your closet and see that you have plenty of clothes, yet it takes you hours to figure out what to wear for business and personal events?
4. Do you feel self-conscious about your appearance in the clothes you are currently wearing?

If you answered yes to more than two of the above questions congratulations! This is great news because you are now aware that you are smart enough to realize your success and income depend upon a variety of factors, including what you wear.

professional wardrobe adviceI discovered thru a FaceBook friend, this excellent advice for professional speakers, although it applies to executives and entrepreneurs as well.
“When you come out to speak, realize that your attire and demeanor are conveying a message. You want to make sure they are consistent with the message of your brand.” John Rasiej, Developer of the Speak Louder Than Words System.

Apply for a Know What To Wear call here, if you’re ready to learn what clothes to wear and buy so that your professional, and personal image will reflect your strengths and talents. 

“Scarlett makes it incredibly simple to view your closet as your friend, (not your enemy) when designing the business image you want to project to your market. She educates and inspires you to create the image you want to project in the context of what you truly want to attract. And for so many business owners, that can be a critical distinction in the kind of clients you get to serve. She’s a 6-figure business owner’s partner in success!
Think Bigger Coach and creator of the 6-Figure Idea Incubator: Where profitable businesses are born(TM)

—Chris Makell, Danbury Ct.

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