I’ve had clients stop thinking they needed surgery on their chins, when I showed them how a certain neckline and/or necklace dramatically reduces the double chin.
Or how the shape & color of her earrings accentuates cheekbones and eyes.
Play around with necklines, scarves, and jewelry and take notice of the subtle changes that truly transform facial features and shapes.
You’ll see that you actually can change the shape of your face. It is an illusion, but very effective.
The clothes I select and the outfits I create for my clients are always chosen with care, and if you want to know how to do the same for yourself you could read my book, work with me virtually, personally or attend my workshop in Ridgefield CT. on September 16.
YOU Don’t Have To
Take Your Clothes Off!!!
Have you seen the buzz on FaceBook about the unique styling event I created for up to only 10 women who are tired of never knowing what to wear?
Check out these arm cover ups in the online newsletter, which I am a contributor to, The Three Tomatoes. They use fabulous Helen Mirren as a perfect example of how a woman maintains a high level of class and glamour, yet always has her upper arms covered.
I even made a video a couple of years ago on the subject of our, less than pageant ready, upper arms.
It’s not you – it’s your clothes…because you never learned the specifics that will allow you to transform what you choose to wear and buy.
Stress no more, because now you can get what to wear advice that you can easily follow, while laughing as you learn in my recently published book, Stop Stressing About Dressing. Get your copy here on Amazon.
I thoroughly enjoyed this quick read on how to look and feel great every day. I’m a protege of Scarlett’s and find her tips and explanations invaluable in this slim volume. “That’s why I should wear more ruffles!” is one small reminder of why particular textures, colors and necklines flatter some and not others. Scarlett is a genius in this arena and generously shares her fashion secrets with us mere mortals. I highly recommend Stop Stressing About Dressing to all women, particularly those of us over 50. Jane Pollak
Get Scarlett in your closet for the best present ever!!
Ask for the gift that will keep on giving, and will absolutely change your professional and personal life for the better. Once you allow Scarlett to rid you of the angst of choosing what to wear, you will have the confidence you need and deserve to feel every day no matter your weight, age, size or budget.
Whether you choose to work one to one or via a virtual consultation, you will have the following benefits:
* Lots of new and creative outfits using the clothes you own.
* No more stress about what to wear.
* You will look and feel confident, attractive and actually like to see your reflection in the mirror.
* A new closet without a renovation.
Send your children, husbands or wives here, to get the gift you really want.
Happy Mother’s Day
“I discovered Scarlett through a mutual friend whose ensemble was stunning. I had to ask “who” she was wearing. She passed me Scarlett’s name, and what I got from our engagement was so much more than a few beautiful dress recommendations. She empowered me with the knowledge of the right colors and silhouettes for my coloring and shape. I’ve received piles of compliments on the items we both chose using her guidance. She gave me a tool I will have for the rest of my life. Working with Scarlett is an investment not only in your closet, but your confidence as well!”http://www.leapica.com/
“Thank you for all the photos of the outfits you created for me using my existing clothes. Every outfit I wore last week was one that you put together, and I really appreciate it. It’s like having a closet full of new clothes. I love picking out what to wear, simply by looking at the pictures and having everything together, even the jewelry. Thank you!” – Nancy Aker
“To be truthful, I wasn’t sure I needed Scarlett’s services, but I knew that I wanted to recommend her to my clients and before I did that I had to try it myself first. I was wrong. I didn’t realize the value of having someone take the time to go through my wardrobe, point out the good, bad and yes some ugly. The really fun part was creating brand new outfits from the clothes I already owned. Scarlett was patient, funny and while I was flinging clothes around the bedroom she color coded my closet so everything was SO easy to find. We also matched each outfit to jewelry that I had that had been sitting idol. Just by changing the jewelry it gave each outfit a brand new feel. Most importantly Scarlett was helping me fit my clothes to my personality and step away from what I thought I should be wearing. Sometimes you don’t know the value of something until you have tried it and this definitely fits that category for me!”Debra Shimer Desire On Fire
“I’m the first one to tell people, when they compliment me on how I look, that I have a secret weapon: Wardrobe Stylist Scarlett Debease. I’ve worked with Scarlett for years now and recommend her heartily to family, friends and colleagues. She not only shops with me for beautiful pieces to add to my wardrobe, but she also comes to my home and coordinates the new purchases with the rest of my wardrobe, then photographs the outfits to create my own personal look-book. I NEVER have to think, “What will I wear today?” I simply consult my look-book and get dressed. I know I’ve saved time and money using Scarlett’s invaluable service.” Leading Remarkable Women To Uncommon Success Jane Pollak,CPCC – Certified Professional Co-Active Coach & Author.
Work, work, work. Family, cooking, food shopping, work, work, work. Does this sound like your life too?
I love my work yet rarely pamper myself, spend the money or take the time to treat myself to things I need so as to be good to myself.
And then, I heard this:
“What you resist, is what you most need to do” as spoken by Jane Pollak. She guided 15 women, myself included, in a two day and night retreat, in the gorgeous Berkshires of Massachusetts. We learned, laughed, laughed some more and discovered how much we can and should do for ourselves.
What You Resist, Is What You Most Need To Do
Then it dawned on me. The reason I occasionally hear a woman tell me that she really wants to work with me, but the time is wrong, is because she is resisting doing something important and much needed, for herself.
Men don’t do this. They go to the couch to sleep, or a game with their pals. They excel at shutting out the world so they can re-fuel and re-charge, yet way too often women put themselves last.
It isn’t just about money, time or weight that a woman doesn’t end her frustration with figuring out what to wear or take care of herself in some other way. Nope. It is more about fear, ego, and resistance to taking care of herself.
A woman needs to value herself
“We accept the love we think we deserve.” ― Stephen Chbosky, The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Love yourself ASAP. Get a manicure, haircut, massage, or just take a nap.
I have had a goal for the past four years to show Gayle King how much more fabulous she can look off the air, and sometimes on as well.
I have seen her in The Westchester Mall, but did not bother her, have mutual business acquaintances, spoken to her at a C.U.R.E. fund raiser, but got interrupted just as she asked me what I do……I’m still not over this. I feel that one day I will have the pleasure of showing her how fabulous she can look, using the many clothes she already owns, but worn differently than she does now.
When my client, Jane Pollak, told me she was speaking at the Wow Forum 2014 held by the Northwest Connecticut Chamber of Commerce in Torrington Ct., and that Gayle King would be the keynote speaker, I knew I just had to attend. Finally, I might have a chance to finish my conversation with Gayle King, hear her, Jane Pollak, and a number of other fabulous women speak and inspire myself and fellow attendees.
Well, Ms. King was delayed by an hour and a half, so she spoke and ran, and I lost my chance again. She was charming, relatable, informative and intelligent while she spoke, but had to be helped up onto the stage as her heels were stilettos. Although she said it was her bad knees that caused her to need help to get up on that stage, I am not convinced. She also kept tugging at her dress so it would not keep riding up. She was slightly distracted by the tightness of her dress, and I found myself distracted from what she was saying while she was on the stage.
I would love the opportunity to show Ms. King, how she can wear her beloved bright colored clothes in flattering and no need to tug at ways. Oh how I long to show her that there are shoes that are sexy, flattering and comfortable, without going from one extreme to another. Ex: Stilettos to flip flops.
Ouch: The wrong shoes to wear while speaking
Gayle King loves bright colors
On the other hand, Jane Pollak was looking stunning and never had to tug or need help to walk, and she too was wearing heels, but the not the kind that gives you nose bleeds.
Jane was fully focused on her talk and audience, never distracted or uncomfortable. Looking good should never have to make a speaker feel antsy or preoccupied with how she looks or if a seam, knee, or button may pop.
Sorry about my fuzzy photography.
Jane Pollak at WOW 2014 Forum
My clients who are speakers, authors and coaches always have an outfit to wear that will make them look and feel that they command the room and stage, and still have room for lunch in their waistlines. Bet you know that feeling.
So, what should women wear when speaking?
1. Shoes that add some height, but do not hurt or cause blisters. They exist, and my clients and myself own a few pairs.
2. Tops, dresses, pants and skirts that lay smooth on the body so they do not ride up or make you think that you cannot eat a thing till you get home and rip off your clothes.
3. An outfit that reflects a speaker’s authority, authenticity and accomplishments.
Thank You!
“I admire you, I respect you, and I am so thankful for you!” Holly Cohen, New York, NY
What! You only take a carry-on bag when you travel? How do you travel with just a carry-on bag?
I have been asked these questions over and over again, and have traveled with only a carry-on for many of my trips so I can experience the joy of walking off a plane, bypass luggage claim, and get my vacation or work started immediately.
My client, entrepreneurial women’s coach, Jane Pollak asked me to create outfits for her three-month long Semester At Sea cruise, and blogged about why she asked me to pack her bags and send her on her way with only a duffel bag.
Here is how to pack a carry-on bag for your travels.
I used this method for my daughter who unsuccessfully tried using the rolling technique, to get all of this….
into this carry-on bag.
For my 10 day trip to Sacramento Ca., I took the following:
two dresses
white jeans
Blue denim Bermuda shorts
white shorts
orange/white top
blue/white top
2 blue tops
multi-color top
T-Shirt for hanging out
1 blue and white infinity scarf that can be worn as a shawl or draped scarf
1 pair sneakers for the gym
blue and white sandals
orange sandals
flip-flops for pool and to be my slippers
I also brought along one bathing suit, 2 exercise tops, pair of socks and one capri legging as well as PJ’s, toiletries and lingerie.
I wore the long dress, blue and white sandals along with the scarf for the plane rides.
About Scarlett
Scarlett De Bease, a professionally trained Image Consultant and Wardrobe Stylist, is the founder of “The Always Know What To Wear Program™“. As an Image Consultant, Entertaining Speaker & Savvy Personal Shopper, she shows women how to project confidence & success by always knowing what to wear. As a bonus, Scarlett’s tips will help you Look Younger, Thinner and Taller while projecting Confidence & Success as you now will be wearing the clothes that fit and flatter you the most. Since 2006, she has successfully changed the lives of many women, by showing them the correct clothes, colors, styles and accessories that will flatter them the most. If you keep buying clothes and still have nothing to wear, Scarlett will make it possible for you to always know what to wear. Scarlett specializes in make-overs, that are fun and informative. She brings The What Not To Wear experience directly to your home or office, but without the tears, fears and trash can. Scarlett shows women how to Stop Stressing About Dressing. Scarlett’s tips have nothing to do with size, age, income level, career, etc – It’s not about where you shop, it’s about what you buy.
THIS BLOG claims no credit for any images posted on this site unless otherwise noted. Images on this blog are copyright to its respectful owners. If there is an image appearing on this blog that belongs to you and do not wish for it appear on this site, please E-mail with a link to said image and it will be promptly removed.
I was recently at a party and told the story of the best for sale ad I have ever read. For Sale: Wedding Dress Worn Once By Mistake. Recalling this creative, funny and telling advertisement, gave me the idea to ask if you ever wore something by mistake too?
I must admit, that I also once wore a wedding dress by mistake a few decades ago, but enough about me.
Ms. Ford shared that she received a great life lesson years ago about choosing to always look her best by only wearing clothes that made her look and feel great. She was once asked if she has A, B, and C clothes, with A being her favorite and what she looked and felt great in. Her advisor suggested she should only wear A clothes, so as to not just look good, but feel good.
What you choose to wear totally effects how you and others see yourself, let alone the major boost to ones’s self-esteem. My clients, Stop Stressing About Dressing workshop and speaking presentation attendees, know that I always stress to be dressed in flattering and confidence boosting clothes, so they are prepared for any opportunity anywhere and at anytime.
You can meet your next best client, employer, friend, true love, you name it, when you least expect it. So why not look and feel as fantastic as possible?
About 6 years ago, I attended a women’s business luncheon because Jane Pollak was the speaker. I had heard her speak on a tele-seminar for professional image consultants, and I just had to hear more of her business advice for entrepreneurs and hopefully get to meet her as well.
Jane hired me about one month later as she loved what I was wearing, and I cannot even count the number of clients she has referred to me since our first wardrobe styling and shopping days.
Here is the jacket I wore, that to this day Jane still remembers. This was a photo shoot for my first website, back in 2006 when I was only providing makeup application services..
Please share below, what you may have worn by mistake, or better yet: what you wore when you met a person that changed your life for the better.
“I’m the first one to tell people, when they compliment me on how I look, that I have a secret weapon: Wardrobe Stylist Scarlett Debease. I’ve worked with Scarlett for years now and recommend her heartily to family, friends and colleagues. She not only shops with me for beautiful pieces to add to my wardrobe, but she also comes to my home and coordinates the new purchases with the rest of my wardrobe, then photographs the outfits to create my own personal look-book. I NEVER have to think, “What will I wear today?” I simply consult my look-book and get dressed. I know I’ve saved time and money using Scarlett’s invaluable service.” Leading Remarkable Women To Uncommon Success
—Jane Pollak, CPCC – Certified Professional Co-Active Coach & Author – Soul Proprietor: 101 Lessons from a Lifestyle Entrepreneur
I got very emotional last night and kept it to myself as I did not know how to deal with what I was feeling. I woke up in the middle of the night and knew I should really share what I was feeling and not keep it a secret, so here it is.
I attended a woman’s networking event in Connecticut, and my client Jane Pollak was the evening’s speaker. I always enjoy her presentations because she always has great advice for women entrepreneurs.
Jane as always looked fantastic, but what really got me was that so many of the women who attended last night’s event, have also been my clients and they ALL looked great. I was so excited, surprised and in awe to see about 10 women that I have given wardrobe styling and shopping advice to all in the same room. They were as happy to see me as I was to see them.
My big regret is I didn’t think of asking for a group shot and it wasn’t till I lay in bed trying to sleep that I realized my mistake and loss.
It isn’t often so many of my past and current clients are in the same room and I missed the opportunity to capture how beautiful they all looked and their equally beautiful smiles and contagious sense of confidence. A special night in so many ways.
Last week I had the pleasure of presenting my wardrobe styling tips to the Missouri Women’s Bankers Association in Osage Beach, Missouri. They were a wonderful group of professional women in the banking industry.
When I opened up my presentation to Q & A, I asked for a volunteer to come up and get some personal wardrobe styling tips from me. I made suggestions on colors, sleeve lengths, and jewelry which would totally change how she looked and felt in clothes.
The next morning I heard from other women, before I even saw my brave volunteer, that she looked fabulous as she was wearing a top that matched all my recommendations. When I saw her, I cannot begin to describe to you how great she looked and oh how her eyes sparkled!
Once again, I regret not having taken a picture.
Take photos of special days and don’t avoid being in the picture because you don’t like something about yourself, because as I learned you don’t get a second chance to capture special moments.
What a GREAT day!!! Thank you SO much for everything!! Thank you for your time, your expertise, for the planning, your patience, your upbeat attitude, and most of all, your talent for putting together a wardrobe that far surpassed all expectations!!
—Madelynn PetersOver 40 Females – Bergen County NJ
Here’s an idea for how to create a smaller waistline even if you don’t think you have one.
I love wide/straight leg trousers for creating an hourglass shape for my clients, as long as the hem is wider than the waist and hip area. If the hem flares out, then the illusion of a narrower waist is created. I especially like Not Your Daughters Jeans, NYDJ, as they suck in at all the right places, are comfortable and look great on various body types.
Wide leg trousers look great with flats or heels, depending on your preference or needs. Balance the pants with a top that has details at the shoulders, unless you are very broad shouldered, and your waist will appear even smaller, and further create the sought after hourglass shape which is the illusion of a thinner waistline.
“I NEVER have to think, “What will I wear today?” I simply consult my look-book and get dressed. I know I’ve saved time and money using Scarlett’s invaluable service.” – Jane Pollak
I am now offering virtual consultations for those who finally want to know what to wear? Send me your pictures and required information, and I’ll give you the styling and shopping tips you need so that you will always know what to wear.
Schedule your FREE Get Acquainted Call to find out how I can show you how to always know what to wear.
THIS BLOG claims no credit for any images posted on this site unless otherwise noted. Images on this blog are copyright to its respectful owners. If there is an image appearing on this blog that belongs to you and do not wish for it appear on this site, please E-mail with a link to said image and it will be promptly removed.