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Tag: how to cover up arms

And The Survey Says….

women want their arms covered

Yup, I’m stuck on arms, or perhaps I’m up in arms about, well arms.

Let me tell you what a challenge it is to find clothes that cover up arms, when shopping in June, July and August. It’s hard…very hard.

Yet, I manage to find the clothes that have sleeves or some great toppers that can be taken off in the event the AC stops working, or a hot flash rears its hot headed head.

In my private Stop Stressing About Dressing Face Book group, which I do invite you to join, I created a survey. which was naturally about arms.

I asked:
When shopping with a client, the topic of exposing her arms often dictates the tops & dresses I find for her. So this made me curious:

Where do you stand on having your arms covered?

                       The Survey Says:

50% Depends upon the temperature?
25% As I’ve aged I prefer a 3/4 sleeve which enhances the slenderness of my arms.
16% No way will I ever go sleeveless?
9%  I’ve never given it a thought.

The answers actually surprised me, as most of my clients from size 4 to 18, won’t show their arms. Even when, and I swear, their arms look absolutely perfect!

BIG TIP: Do not wear short or cap sleeves,
as they typically make the arms look wider.

Here are two of the toppers, I like to suggest to cover up arms for my clients & still keep them cool.

women want their arms covered
BCBGeneration poncho
women want their arms covered
Nic +Zoe 4 way cardigan



Yes, they are both available at Nordstroms, as well as at other retailers in store  or on-line.

So, where do YOU stand on wearing sleeveless tops and dresses?

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More Ways To Cover Up Your Upper Arms

Tired Of Sleeveless Clothes?

More Ways To Cover Up Your Upper Arms

Check out these arm cover ups in the online newsletter, which I am a contributor to, The Three Tomatoes. They use fabulous Helen Mirren as a perfect example of how a woman maintains a high level of class and glamour, yet always has her upper arms covered.

I even made a video a couple of years ago on the subject of our, less than pageant ready, upper arms.

More Ways To Cover Up Your Upper Arms

It’s not you – it’s your clothes…because you never learned the specifics that will allow you to transform what you choose to wear and  buy.

Stress no more, because now you can get what to wear advice that you can easily follow, while laughing as you learn in my recently published book, Stop Stressing About Dressing. Get your copy here on Amazon.

I thoroughly enjoyed this quick read on how to look and feel great every day. I’m a protege of Scarlett’s and find her tips and explanations invaluable in this slim volume. “That’s why I should wear more ruffles!” is one small reminder of why particular textures, colors and necklines flatter some and not others. Scarlett is a genius in this arena and generously shares her fashion secrets with us mere mortals. I highly recommend Stop Stressing About Dressing to all women, particularly those of us over 50. Jane Pollak

Copyright © 2016 Scarlett Image™., All Rights Reserved. THIS BLOG claims no credit for any images posted on this site unless otherwise noted. Images on this blog are copyright to its respectful owners. If there is an image appearing on this blog that belongs to you and do not wish for it appear on this site, please E-mail with a link to said image and it will be promptly removed.

She Wants To Cover Up Her Arms

She Wants To Cover Up Her ArmsAlmost every woman I know and work with, wants to cover up her arms 365 days of the year.

  • Even when her arms are just fine, yet hates how they look, she wants to cover up her arms.
  • Even if it 100 degrees outside, she wants to cover up her arms.
  • So when it comes to finding a dress for a wedding, cocktail party, Bar Mitzvah, etc. I must find a stunning dress that, well you know, covers up her arms. FYI I always do.

Well, I found this sheer shawl top, $75, that would be gorgeous over any sleeveless dress or top that you already own or will be buying.

It is made by Mariella Design . I discovered it in the Christmas Market in Grand Central Station in NYC. I did not take a  very good photo..sorry.

She Wants To Cover Up Her Arms

I asked my Santa for the $120 wool version in red for myself.

Hey, I’ve been a very good girl this year!

She Wants To Cover Up Her Arms

Girl with shopping bags

Did you know that I offer on-line shopping for woman all over the country?

Oh yeah I do. Check it out here in my Rose service.

“Scarlett completely transformed how I feel about getting dressed to go out of the house.  Instead of dreading figuring out what to wear, I look forward to choosing what I’ll put on. Using the clothes I already owned along with those bought when shopping with Scarlett, I feel more confident and finally look
“put together” thanks to her expert advice. Thank you!”  
holistic health coach Caryn Siegel Moss

Copyright © Scarlett Image™., All Rights Reserved. THIS BLOG claims no credit for any images posted on this site unless otherwise noted. Images on this blog are copyright to its respectful owners. If there is an image appearing on this blog that belongs to you and do not wish for it appear on this site, please E-mail with a link to said image and it will be promptly removed.