And The Survey Says….
Yup, I’m stuck on arms, or perhaps I’m up in arms about, well arms.
Let me tell you what a challenge it is to find clothes that cover up arms, when shopping in June, July and August. It’s hard…very hard.
Yet, I manage to find the clothes that have sleeves or some great toppers that can be taken off in the event the AC stops working, or a hot flash rears its hot headed head.
In my private Stop Stressing About Dressing Face Book group, which I do invite you to join, I created a survey. which was naturally about arms.
I asked:
When shopping with a client, the topic of exposing her arms often dictates the tops & dresses I find for her. So this made me curious:
Where do you stand on having your arms covered?
The Survey Says:
50% Depends upon the temperature?
25% As I’ve aged I prefer a 3/4 sleeve which enhances the slenderness of my arms.
16% No way will I ever go sleeveless?
9% I’ve never given it a thought.
The answers actually surprised me, as most of my clients from size 4 to 18, won’t show their arms. Even when, and I swear, their arms look absolutely perfect!
BIG TIP: Do not wear short or cap sleeves,
as they typically make the arms look wider.
Here are two of the toppers, I like to suggest to cover up arms for my clients & still keep them cool.

Yes, they are both available at Nordstroms, as well as at other retailers in store or on-line.
So, where do YOU stand on wearing sleeveless tops and dresses?
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