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Tag: Hollywood bra converting strap

Bra Straps No More – Use A Bra Strap Convertor

 bra strap convertor

I have a pet peeve and I need to just put it out there: Visible bra straps.

NO, bra straps should not be showing or peeking out of your tops and dresses.

Bra straps are not an accessory to an outfit. 

Now that I got that out of the way, I have a solution for when you want to wear or buy a racer-back style top or dress.

 bra strap convertor

This is a major offense.

Instead of avoiding racer-back styles or buying a special bra, just pick up this gadget created by Hollywood Fashion Secrets, at your local CVS. Only $8.99 for 2 clear convertors. $7.99 for 3 in color and print, on Hollywood Fashion Secrets website.

 bra strap convertor

Using a bra strap converter is much less expensive than a new bra.

Travel Tip: Pack a bra strap convertor and you’ll be able to wear and buy all style tops while away.

Style Tip: If you are broad shouldered, do not wear a racer-back style top as it will exaggerate your broadness. However, if you are small shouldered, then race away.

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