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Tag: Holiday gift ideas for women

The Perfect Gift For Women

thAre you a bit tired of receiving another sweater, scarf or piece of jewelry that you will never wear or even like?

Struggling about what to give to someone that seems to have everything?

Want to give a creative gift, but can’t figure out what it should be?

In my humble opinion I believe I have found the perfect gift for women, for yourself or to give someone you love.

WARNING: This gift is only for those who want to solve the following problems.

  1. Can’t figure out what to wear now that you weigh more than you used to.
  2. Can’t figure out what to wear now that you are older than you used to be.
  3. Can’t figure out what to wear now that your body parts are in different places than they used to be.
  4. Can’t figure out what to wear now that you work out of your home and occasionally have to go out  in the real world.
  5. Can’t find anything to wear even though your closet is full.
  6. Can’t take anymore agonizing over what to wear and buy.


A personal styling service with me is the perfect gift for women.

Tell your gift givers to contact me to request a Gift Certificate, and get ready to say

I LOVE IT, when you unwrap the best gift ever.

Now is the time to stop saying someday; because,“Someday is code for never”. You and those you care for, deserve to look and feel confident, beautiful, younger, thinner, and taller NOW, not someday.

“I’m so looking forward to my reunion, and I’m so happy to have so many outfit options. This was the best money that I have spent on myself in a long time.” — R.H. Tarrytown, NY

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