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Tag: hangers

Here’s A Quick & Easy Closet Makeover Tip

I’m embarrassed to say that my closet was ugly
needed a closet makeover.

Change is good and easy.

No More Wire & Plastic Hangers!

You would be amazed at how a $20 dress can look as good as a $200 dress when hung on a simple attractive hanger. Just as surprising, is how bad a $200 dress can look on a wire or plastic store hanger.

Closet Makeover
Closet Makeover – Before

This used to be how I hung my clothes. Yes, the hangers are all the same, but they are ugly. Plastic white hangers tend to turn yellow and stand out in an unattractive manner.

closet makeover
Closet Makeover – After








Hang all your clothes on the same type and color hanger, and you’ll find yourself smiling each time you open your closet doors.

Imagine how only one simple change such as switching out your hangers will make, and how much more can be done with your “I can’t find anything to wear” closet.

I used these from Amazon.

Well, you don’t have to imagine, because when you join my FREE 5-day Clean Your Closet Plan to End Your Closet Shame.

Sign up HERE to get an easy-to-follow tip per day for just 5 days, so you can only have the clothes in your closet that you’ll
want and love to wear.

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Hang In There

closet organizing with Scarlett

No more wire hangers!!! And, please no more bulky low hanging plastic hangers either.

Maybe it is still hard to build a better mouse trap, but not a better hanger.

A professional organizer client of mine, shared these new clever space saving hangers on her FaceBook page, so naturally I have to tell you about them too.

closet organizing with Scarlett

If you need more closet space, and who doesn’t, check out Higher Hangers to give you more room in your closets.

You can get control of your closet in just a few hours, when you follow my tips.

One of the many space saving and organize tips I give in my closet organizing guide, is to use all of the same hangers. This will instantly transform how your closet looks.

“Scarlett has brightened my world. And I mean that literally. My closet before Scarlett, was filled with basic black. Interesting pieces, but pretty much all black. With Scarlett’s finely tuned editing, and her encouraging coaching, I’ve integrated color into my everyday dressing. The result is that I look and feel much lighter (maybe even a bit younger!) and the color makeover is way more in tune with my personality than the black uniform was. Scarlett made this process fun and I look forward to seeing her again for a seasonal tune-up.” Nancy Zola

Copyright © Scarlett Image™., All Rights Reserved. THIS BLOG claims no credit for any images posted on this site unless otherwise noted. Images on this blog are copyright to its respectful owners. If there is an image appearing on this blog that belongs to you and do not wish for it appear on this site, please E-mail with a link to said image and it will be promptly removed.