Gayle King Look At These Styling Tweaks
Please, Gayle King, Give Me A Chance!
Some people have a bucket list of places to go or things to do.
I have a few places I’d love to travel to but that rarely crosses my mind, but I do have one item on my work bucket list that still hasn’t been checked off.
I want to create outfits for Gayle King using her clothes and accessories. She loves bright colors and occasionally overdoes it. Often she makes fun of herself and outfits on Instagram.

I’ve often been encouraged to find a way to make my dream come true.
Maybe one day it will, but meanwhile, let me show you how I would change her very
colorful with stripes gone wild outfit as shown below.
Here is why this top or dress is not as good as it could be for Gayle King.
- The stripes go across from arm to arm, which makes her look wider than she is.
- The stripes go right across her chest, which might cause her to say: “eyes up here please!”
- The neckline is too low for her proportions.
- There simply is too much pattern here and is very distracting. This isn’t a good thing as she’s reporting the news.
- The position of the stripes is making her shoulders look very narrow and small which makes her middle appear wider.
- All of the above takes away from her incredible talent as a journalist and distracts the viewer.
- I’d suggest different glasses as there is way too much going on here.
I tried to use my iPad to show how she could still wear her beloved colors but in a bit more of a subdued and flattering way. I don’t have fancy computer programs, so, please be kind to me.
- I removed the stripes from her arms, and she now looks thinner.
- I removed the stripes across her chest, which also make her look thinner.
- I made her neckline higher and solid, which also makes her look thinner.
- I removed most of the stripes, which makes her look a bit more serious.
- By making her shoulders in a solid color, notice how her shoulders look broader. Guess what that does? Yup, makes her waist appear smaller so she looks thinner.
- She still is showing her love of colors and whimsy, but now is wearing the top instead of it wearing her.
- I played around with her glasses for fun, but if I were to create outfits for her she’d love to wear, I’d add colorful glasses with solids, not stripes.
Small tweaks make a huge difference towards looking thinner, younger, stylish, and more professional. They also are what make an outfit go from meh to marvelous.
I have time for
five,now only two Free calls ($100 value) in October to help you Clothes The Deal to grow your business and personal life. You’ll show existing and potential clients that you are the one to hire when you look and feel like the talented expert you are.Looking and feeling put-together is more important now than ever before.
Once these spots are gone, they’re gone.
I’ll show you the 2 top reasons you don’t know what to wear or buy, so get your call on the calendar: Call with Scarlett.
PS. Who can put in a good word about me with Gayle King???
Note: The above article first appeared in The Three Tomatoes, a great on-line newsletter for women.