Can You Be The Big Picture?
Magnifying mirrors are as much a woman’s friend as her enemy. While you are exploring your face with the same focus as Christopher Columbus may have had when looking for new worlds, you are discovering blackheads, unwanted hairs, lines, spots, shadows. Often these objects are practically screaming at us, as we examine our faces in those magnifying wonders of amplified reflection.
However, nobody actually sees what you see in your close-up, especially if the other women who surround you are over 40. Unless they all have their reading glasses on and are examining your face like a CSI investigator, they don’t see what you see. Take comfort in knowing that there are ways to hide the evidence, and stop feeling like a walking and talking crime scene.
Instead of focusing excessively on the little things, do so with the ‘big picture’ which is basically your total image as reflected in a full-length mirror.
If needed, use a magnification mirror only for plucking, eyeliner, and mascara application but not for critiquing, picking and popping, Believe me, I know that is easier said than done, and I have the scars to prove it.
Use a full-length mirror to see how you really look, instead of that torturous mini funhouse magnifier. From your earrings down to your shoes, your entire outfit will supersede a wrinkle or sag.
Wear flattering clothes that diminish your flaws. There are many ways to look great without magnification and plastic surgery manipulation. I know this well, as my clients and I use them every day. Knowing what works best on you will distract your eyes from the small, and help you to love the big picture.
NOTE: This is a chapter from my book, Stop Stressing About Dressing and was featured on the fabulous site for women who aren’t kids The Three Tomatoes.
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