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Tag: Fashion Trends

Don’t Call Me A Fashionista.

Not A Fashionista

I Am NOT A Fashionista

At the start of every season, the fashion experts on TV and in magazines tell us what the “must haves” are for us to add to our closets so you too will look like a fashionista.

Perhaps it is a white shirt, black dress, tan trench coat, and animal print shoes or belt.

Oh wait, isn’t that what seems to be recommended to women practically every year, despite the fact that tan is a very unflattering color on many women including myself?

Black is harsh on some others, and white can make some people’s skin tone look ghostly.

Spell check changed ghastly to ghostly, but there really isn’t much of a difference, right?

These ‘experts’ typically represent a manufacturer or retailer and are there to encourage shopping and they get a piece of the pie.

Trend purchases are often behind many of those price tags I see hanging in women’s closets on unworn purchases.

Actually, there are a few women that can pull off almost any look, but that is their personal style, and they typically work in the fashion field. These women would never be labeled a fashion victim as they are all about being on-trend, and they are in the business of doing so. Think Devil Wears Prada.

But, if you are an entrepreneur, stay at home mom, lawyer, speaker, writer, decorator, artist, volunteer, fundraiser, etc., you want your unique talents, personality, creativity and self confidence to shine, and not the metallic top the fashion stylist on TV exclaimed you simply MUST wear.

No, you do not have to wear or buy the latest trend to look current or fashionable. Actually, not following the current fad is a style in itself, and one that I personally employ, because I am NOT a Fashionista.

About Scarlett

Not A Fashionista

Scarlett is a professionally trained Image Consultant and Wardrobe Stylist. She is Not A Fashionista.

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