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Tag: Fall Fashion

Fall Fashion Trends To Follow For Women Over 40

fall fashion

So while we have the air conditioning on, drinking lots of water, iced tea and coffee, the magazines have started rolling out the fall fashion trends for us to follow.

In the July 2014 issue of Marie Claire magazine, their fall fashion trends are shown in their feature, titled: Legends Of The Fall.

Perhaps my perspiration got into my eyes, as I was having a hard time believing what I was seeing. Nope, , unfortunately I was seeing the spread of the fall fashion trends just fine.

I’m thinking a more appropriate title would be Oh That Ain’t Happening For The Fall.

Come on, not even the models look nice in these outfits. The first outfit reminds me of what Saturday Night Live would come up with for a female Pimp, and aother looks like she is wearing a week’s worth of road kill.

I’m sorry to be so forthcoming, but am I wrong?

fall fashion

fall fashionfall fashion

The Fall Fashion Trends are created for you to feel you must go shopping. Sadly very often, they make a woman who should get some new clothes stay away from the stores. I would know.

fall fashion“Scarlett entered my life at just the right time. I’ve always said, “In my next life, I want someone to pack for me when I go   go on a trip.”  Scarlett came to my apartment and not only weeded out my closet of clothes that should have been donated years ago, she also pulled together outfits – not too many and not too few — for an upcoming conference.  Most of all, we laughed and had a lot of fun in the process.  She has the “eye” and the talent.  I can’t thank her enough.”
—Holly Cohen, New York City

Virtual Style Consultation

Scarlett’s “Hotline” Style Consultation is a program she designed especially for her
virtual clients, or for those local clients who want to “try on” her services:
The Hotline Style Consultation includes:

– Brief questionnaire completed via email, along with a request for photos- Style Analysis – Color, Body/Facial Shape & Clothing Style

– A 60-minute style call, where she will give you recommendations on what colors,
shapes and styles are best for you. She will also make recommendations on where to
shop and what to buy.
Cost: $250

Book Now

About Scarlett

fall fashion

Scarlett De Bease, a professionally trained Image Consultant and Wardrobe Stylist, is the founder of “The Always Know What To Wear Program™“. As an Image Consultant, Entertaining Speaker & Savvy Personal Shopper, she shows women how to project confidence & success by always knowing what to wear.
As a bonus, Scarlett’s tips will help you Look Younger, Thinner and Taller while projecting Confidence & Success as you now will be wearing the clothes that fit and flatter you the most.
Since 2006, she has successfully changed the lives of many women, by showing them the correct clothes, colors, styles and accessories that will flatter them the most. If you keep buying clothes and still have nothing to wear, Scarlett will make it possible for you to always know what to wear.
Scarlett specializes in make-overs, that are fun and informative. She brings The What Not To Wear experience directly to your home or office, but without the tears, fears and trash can. Scarlett shows women how to Stop Stressing About Dressing.
Scarlett’s tips have nothing to do with size, age, income level, career, etc – It’s not about where you shop, it’s about what you buy.

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