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Tag: Face Time

How Women Over 40 Over See Themselves

Stephen Dimmick is a fabulous NY and LA-based makeup artist, whom I discovered on Twitter. I especially enjoyed a post he once wrote, where he asks women to stop looking at themselves so closely in the mirror.
Stephen is correct, and so charming when explaining that nobody sees what you see in your closeup. I find this particularly helpful for women over 40 who start to focus too much on the little things, instead of the ‘big picture’.

Some women have become so self-conscious, that they actually are visiting plastic surgeons to find out how they can look better on Skype and FaceTime! No kidding, so please, let’s end this madness. If needed, use a magnification mirror for plucking, eyeliner and mascara application only and not for self-critiquing.

If your clothes and makeup are flattering, your perceived and actual flaws will disappear.

My tips:

Dark shadows under your eyes? Try wearing a different color.

Lines looking deep on your face? Try a different fabric.

There are many ways to look great without magnification and plastic surgery manipulation, and my clients use them every day as they now know what works best on them.

If you like this post and want to learn more, be sure to click here.

If you’re ready to discover what works best for you without resorting to drastic measures, book a call with me here and let’s work on enhancing your natural beauty with flattering clothes and makeup!

“Wardrobe Stylist Scarlett is a pleasure to work with. She’s professional, knowledgeable, and fun! I loved playing dress-up with her guidance. She arrived with a bag of tricks, ready to work in my closet to prune, create, tweak, and suggest wardrobe additions. By the time she left, I had a small pile of clothes to donate, an understanding of my most flattering styles, many outfit options, and a shopping list for wardrobe enhancements. She followed-up by emailing the photos she took of all the outfits we had created (accessories and all), which will make getting dressed and packing for trips much simpler. Don’t even question whether or not to hire her. Just do it! Wardrobe Stylist Scarlett has a great eye, is creative, understands clothing and different body types, and is really fun to work with. You will come away with clarity and confidence.”
– L.S. New York, NY 


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