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Tag: Debra Shimer

Make Mother’s Day A Great Day

Get Scarlett in your closet for the best present ever!!

Ask for the gift that will keep on giving, and will absolutely change your professional and personal life for the better. Once you allow Scarlett to rid you of the angst of choosing what to wear, you will have the confidence you need and deserve to feel every day no matter your weight, age, size or budget.

Whether you choose to work one to one or via a virtual consultation, you will have the following benefits:

* Lots of new and creative outfits using the clothes you own.

* No more stress about what to wear.

* You will look and feel confident, attractive and actually like to see your reflection in the mirror.

* A new closet without a renovation.

Send your children, husbands or wives here, to get the gift you really want.

Happy Mother’s Day Stylist shows women what to wear

“I discovered Scarlett through a mutual friend whose ensemble was stunning. I had to ask “who” she was wearing. She passed me Scarlett’s name, and what I got from our engagement was so much more than a few beautiful dress recommendations. She empowered me with the knowledge of the right colors and silhouettes for my coloring and shape. I’ve received piles of compliments on the items we both chose using her guidance. She gave me a tool I will have for the rest of my life. Working with Scarlett is an investment not only in your closet, but your confidence as well!”

“Thank you for all the photos of the outfits you created for me using my existing clothes. Every outfit I wore last week was one that you put together, and I really appreciate it. It’s like having a closet full of new clothes. I love picking out what to wear, simply by looking at the pictures and having everything together, even the jewelry. Thank you!” – Nancy Aker
“To be truthful, I wasn’t sure I needed Scarlett’s services, but I knew that I wanted to recommend her to my clients and before I did that I had to try it myself first. I was wrong. I didn’t realize the value of having someone take the time to go through my wardrobe, point out the good, bad and yes some ugly. The really fun part was creating brand new outfits from the clothes I already owned. Scarlett was patient, funny and while I was flinging clothes around the bedroom she color coded my closet so everything was SO easy to find. We also matched each outfit to jewelry that I had that had been sitting idol. Just by changing the jewelry it gave each outfit a brand new feel. Most importantly Scarlett was helping me fit my clothes to my personality and step away from what I thought I should be wearing. Sometimes you don’t know the value of something until you have tried it and this definitely fits that category for me!”  Debra Shimer Desire On Fire
“I’m the first one to tell people, when they compliment me on how I look, that I have a secret weapon: Wardrobe Stylist ScarlettStylist shows women what to wear Debease. I’ve worked with Scarlett for years now and recommend her heartily to family, friends and colleagues. She not only shops with me for beautiful pieces to add to my wardrobe, but she also comes to my home and coordinates the new purchases with the rest of my wardrobe, then photographs the outfits to create my own personal look-book. I NEVER have to think, “What will I wear today?” I simply consult my look-book and get dressed. I know I’ve saved time and money using Scarlett’s invaluable service.”  Leading Remarkable Women To Uncommon Success  Jane Pollak,CPCC – Certified Professional Co-Active Coach & Author.

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