I almost had an accident while shopping last week.
We’re supposed to look both ways when crossing a street to avoid an accident.
We should also look both ways, front and back, to see ourselves in the mirror when trying on clothes to avoid a fashion accident.
And now, I suggest we look three ways to avoid looking like we’re expecting, which in my case would be an ‘accident’.
1) Front
2) Rear
3) Side
Don’t Make This Styling Mistake
While trying on a few things in Bloomingdale’s dressing room, I was excited to try on this white shirt.
It looked like a winner on the hanger. I could tell it would cover my tummy, panty line, and arms, and it was a no-iron fabric. BLISS!!
But then, I had to look three ways to see the styling accident coming my way.
I loved this top from the front and rear views, but when I looked from the side, I wondered how far along I was. 😬
Tip: Use a full-length mirror when checking your outfits from all three sides.
If you don’t have one, please get one. Consider it a true must-have for your wardrobe.
Note: Clearly I was quite dissatisfied with my side view, but when I actually was pregnant, and younger, I loved that angle of myself.
“When I hired Scarlett, I finally committed to investing in myself, as I just wanted to stop feeling stuck or blah about what I was wearing. I was simply tired of feeling like I didn’t have the “right” things to wear. Scarlett helped me get rid of the clothes that were not serving me well and created a closet full of outfits I could wear. It was also really helpful to learn the key pieces that were missing from my wardrobe and how to best use my accessories.”