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Tag: Cleaning Out Your Closet

Tips To Clean Out Your Closet

It’s that time of year again, so here are a few tips to clean out your closet.

When a new season or year starts, you might start the process of switching out your clothes for the upcoming change in the weather, and be somewhat forced to take a look at all the clothes you haven’t worn in years.

This can be a good thing.

This is a great time to give a hard look at your previous season’s clothes…but before storing those unworn clothes for yet another year, or opening your closet door and then promptly slamming it closed as you feel overwhelmed with the thought of cleaning it out, try the following ideas and tips.

First determine which are trash or treasure.

Start small when trying to decide which of your clothes, shoes, handbags, scarves, or jewelry to label as trash or treasure.

No, I don’t mean the clothes that may not fit you anymore, I’m suggesting that you just start 10 items and no more than 30 minutes at a time to have a little Q & A with yourself. 

Use this chart as a guide, and I can guarantee that after you get started
you’ll actually enjoy the process and love the results.


When your closet is free of the clothes that don’t look good on you or don’t want to wear, not only will your closet be lighter, but you’ll actually feel lighter.

Cleaning out your closet will be very cathartic. Hey, that’s what I’m told over and over and over again.

Go here to get your clothes to stop stressing you out.






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Get Out The Ain’t Gonna Happen


 Get Out The Ain’t Gonna Happen
Get Out The Ain’t Gonna Happen

There really are never any good reasons to hold onto clothes that no longer fit, flatter, or make you happy, yet…..

Need an incentive?  How about making money and/or giving others clothes they may not be able to afford?

Here’s an easy way to get out those ‘ain’t gonna happen’ clothes out of your closet and home and make a few extra dollars., is a company that I recently started using so I can easily and quickly get the clothes that no longer fit or flatter me out of the house.
They send you a giant, and seriously mean BIG, bag  for you to fill up to your heart’s content or your closet’s contents.

You get paid upfront for some items while others are sold on consignment.

You chose whether to shop on their site with your credit, or get a gift card you can use anywhere you like.

My last gift card paid for my hair salon visit. Nice, right?

ThredUp also takes your clothing donations.

Typically I donate to our local Community center as it is close and convenient, but if you don’t have that option, then try this company as it so easy, and gives you that warm and tingly purge feeling.

If it has been years since you wore a coat, shirt, pants, shoes, whatever, I can assure that there is someone out there with a lot less than you, who would be VERY appreciate of your donation.

Check out how ThredUp works here.

Hey, need help deciding what to get rid of?
Review my 5 Styling Tips for inspiration & go make some money!!

Double hey: if you want to know how to figure out what you should be wearing and buying, without having to lose weight or turn back the clock, you MUST check my online course before the price increases in a few weeks.