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Tag: Chanel

Who Would Look Good In This?

Seriously? I mean really?

Who would look good in this outfit? Not even the model looks good in it, despite the fact that it costs thousands of dollars and is designed by Stella McCartney a highly praised designer.

Not even standing in a gorgeous pool, makes this boxy, oversized plaid, looks like it once belonged to your uncle in the 1950s, jacket flattering or attractive!

Who would look good in this

Now that I got this out of my system, tell me why a woman would want an evening bag to look like a toilet paper holder???
This is a Chanel bag, and I am sure Coco Chanel would NOT be happy with this Charmin toilet paper look-a-like.

Who would look good in this

A woman can command a room when she walks in because she’s dressed to look and feel confident and beautiful not because she’s obsessed with silly trends or designer labels.

I can say that is true for the women who hire me, and that is exactly how I like it.

Thank you for allowing me to vent about my disdain for the ridiculous in the high-end designer world, and rest assured I never suggest such craziness for my clients.

 I want to give a big shout out to  Scarlett De Bease and her biz Scarlett Image. A few years ago, I worked with this amazing woman to transform my wardrobe from corporate employee to mompreneur. 
She helped me clear out my closet of the “what were you thinking clothes” and helped me replace them with pieces that were classic and elegant and fit me well. Today I’m wearing an outfit inspired by what she taught me. While I’m now back in the corporate world – my mompreneur clothes transferred over perfectly.
Thank you Scarlett!
– Jennifer Covello

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