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The Opposite Of What To Wear =Naked

What to wear

Oops. I must admit that I was dressed very inappropriatley a few weeks ago. I mean, I really messed up.

It all started when I treated myself to a Spa day and for the record, I rarely treat myself to a day of bliss. The irony is not lost on me, as many of the women who hire me, are indeed treating vs ignoring themselves.

I chose to end my day with a Shiatsu massage, and when I made the appointment I remember being asked if I minded having a female therapist. I thought it was odd that I was asked that.

I showered and put on the provided fluffy white robe and joined all the other ultra relaxed women on lounge chairs, waiting for their treatment.

When my name was called, I was brought into the spa treatment area and was introduced to my male therapist. Ohhh, they must have asked if I minded having a male therapist. No matter, as I don’t care.

The Opposite Of What To Wear =Naked

When he brought me into the room, he looked rather puzzled and wanted to know if I understood that this was a Shiatsu massage, and not one using lotions and oils. I told him, that I did not and no problem. I was already so relaxed, nothing was going to effect me. Except I was asking myself why did he look at me that way and wanted to know if I knew what I signed up for.

So, as soon as I got to my bag, I dug out my receipt for my massage and saw these few words:

Please wear loose clothing.


For the record, he left the room while I laid on the massage table, and I was covered by sheets.

Note: Read dress codes very carefully.

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