Written by Scarlett De Bease on . Posted in Image and Style, Makeovers, News and Events, What To Wear.
It’s always fun to see a makeover in magazines and on TV, so wouldn’t it be nice to know the details that make the after so much better than the before?
Of course, it would!
So let’s take a look at my client’s makeover before & after and how my tiny tweaks made big improvements in how she looks.
Before Don’ts
After Do’s
You better believe there’s more, but this is a blog post, not a style tips guide, and that’s why… I created Dress Without Stress– a self-study online video course filled with tons of my easy to follow, fun, style, and life-changing, thump on the head styling tips you wish you had known years ago.
You’ll learn how to use each styling tip for your specific features: the good, the bad and the ones you’re not that thrilled with. And yes, we each have a few of those. All you need is a mirror, sense of humor, and the goal of no longer getting stressed, frustrated and miserable when you try to find something to wear that will make you look great and love who you see in the mirror.
And if you enroll by July 1st you’ll receive a 1-Hour Personal styling call with me for Free.
Dress Without Stress Starts July 16, 2018, so you can spend the lazy hazy days of summer getting yourself ready to sizzle with style.