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Tag: before and after

A Real Before and After Makeover

Before and After Makeover.

Ever wonder why most of the TV makeovers take a woman in jeans and then put her in a cocktail dress as part of her makeover?

Let’s not forget, she is also placed in heels she can barely walk in, and the TV stylists often remove her glasses so, sadly, she cannot even clearly see what she now looks like.

That kind of makeover drives me crazy because the women’s lifestyle, budget, and needs were not considered for her makeover. These are made-for-TV makeovers and not for real women like you and my clients.

You rarely need to wear a cocktail dress, but you do need to know what and how to wear what you already own and what you should buy to expand your wardrobe and make it easy for you to figure out what to wear for the 300-plus other days of the year.

You likely want to know what to wear to the grocery store, a date, or to meet a client or friend. You know, all that real-life kind of stuff.

Here are a few before and after makeovers for you to see.

Each client told me these music to my ears words: “I never would have put these pieces together”.

Personal styling consultations allow you to learn which colors, cuts, and styles will be the most flattering on you with what you already own and should buy.

Imagine how successful you’d be shopping for new clothes when you’ve learned what works best for you.

Imagine getting excited to get dressed and go out, instead of being stressed and unsure of how you look in your clothes.

Apply to work with me here.

And then she said…

“Scarlett’s warmth and kindness immediately put me at ease as soon as she stepped in the door. She came to help me put together an outfit for the most important moment of my career, giving my first TEDx talk! I was working through my stage fright, and I knew that if I looked great on stage, I would feel much more confident on the big day.
Scarlett helped me choose the right colors for my skin and hair, and ended up not only choosing a fabulous outfit for the TEDx talk, but she also put together many more outfits for my professional life. I would never have thought of combining that blouse with that jacket and skirt. It was like getting five new outfits without spending a penny on clothes.”
Sandy Weiner – Last First Date

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