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Tag: bathing suit tips

Tips To Find A Bathing Suit That Fits

It takes only 2 to find a well-fitting bathing suit.

2 is the magic number.

Do not and I mean do not try a bathing suit on in your clothing size.

I have no idea why the swimsuit and wedding dress designers chose to size their designs differently than clothes, but they did. 

And they make women feel big and unhappy.

You should try on suits in 1 to 2 sizes up from your clothing size, and if you don’t you’re destined for a miserable, ego-deflating shopping experience because the swimsuit will be too tight and short on you.

Go up and you’ll look and feel like you went down a size or two.

Give it a try and let me know how it goes.

For more Tips To Find A Bathing Suit, read this blog I wrote a few years ago.