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Tag: Audrey Hepburn

I Look Like A Turtle

I’m back with a new video and showing myself in a not so flattering top.

Do I look like a turtle?

I think I do and want to spare other women from looking like they have a double chin and feeling like they should hide in their shell.

When I analyze what necklines my client should wear, it is rare that I endorse turtlenecks as a flattering neckline. A woman typically has to have a long neck, think Audrey Hepburn, to pull off a turtleneck.

Each woman I work with has features that I know how to highlight and make disappear. Especially a double chin, or neck with deep creases and lines.  I even spared one client plastic surgery!

double chin

“Scarlett is a professional’s professional.  Her eye, her taste, and her clear, cut-to-the-chase manner can be completely trusted.  I love Scarlett’s fresh approach and value her input, her opinions, and her guidance.  It’s like having a fabulous coach in your closet!” Diane Ripstein Consulting Smarter Communications + Presentation

 You Still Got It!

So what if you’re over 40, 50, 60 and you no longer wear the same size you used to. That doesn’t mean you can’t look great and walk into a room totally confident with how you look and what you are wearing.

I strongly believe that every woman deserves to look and feel her best, so contact me
to schedule your 15 minute You Still Got It, Free Consultation and find out what you can do to stop stressing about dressing your body.

double chin
You can and should love your reflection.









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