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Tag: activewear

Coffee or Tea?

Women are great connectors. We develop long friendships and business partnerships from attending networking events, parties, FaceBook, LinkedIn, and even Twitter. No kidding.

Many of these great collaborations have begun at a Starbucks over a cup of coffee or tea.

How you choose to dress to meet a stranger or new acquaintance, can make all the difference in making a great first impression.

Don’t show up wearing activewear, no matter how nice they may be or how good you look in them.

Always dress to impress. This doesn’t mean showing up in a cocktail dress, it just means look like you made an effort. Sure, you can wear jeans, but not the pair you wear for when you walk the dog or clean the house in.

So next time you are going to meet a potential client, business partner, or someone you recently connected with and want to get to know better, make an effort.

Your income, business and self esteem always improve when you like what you wear, how you look and get well earned compliments.

However, if you are meeting a friend or two after a workout, then go ahead and sip your latte while in your spandex and sneakers.

Pretty please, do not dine out in your activewear.

Always dress to impress

This is where ‘they’ were before they sat in the restaurant seat.

I shower and change to dine in a restaurant, and so should my fellow diners. It is, hmm how shall I say this, yucky and/or tacky when women show up in their sweaty activewear.

The very funny video, below, by the Van Vuuren Bros, points out how far women have gone with where they wear their active wear.

The best compliment I get, is when YOU refer a friend or relative who may be in need of ways to Stop Stressing About Dressing.

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