Styling Tip – Don’t Wear Tight Clothes
Sometimes it takes a great comedy show to make the point of the hazards of wearing clothes that are too tight.
On an older episode of ABC’s Modern Family, sultry Gloria, played by Sofia Vergara, is in denial that her body is getting bigger as her pregnancy progresses. Until her shirt explodes open and her pants seam splits, she had not accepted that she is no longer the same size as before being pregnant.
The scene was hysterical, but it also pokes fun at those that really no longer are aware that they might be wearing the wrong size. We’ve all been there, but it is important to not go there again.
One of my styling tips is to avoid wearing clothes that are too tight because instead of making a woman look younger and thinner, she actually looks older and heavier.
It’s not about the size. It’s only about the right fit.
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Pssst…Overheard In The Dressing Room
“You don’t have to wear 5 inch heals or lose 25 pounds at weight watchers, just spend one hour with Scarlett, and you will lose ten pounds and grow at least 4 inches. When she gives you the tools to work with and casts her spell on you, you gain a feeling of confidence you never know you had. Trust me, it happened to me, and it will happen to you”. ~ S.B. Stamford Ct.
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