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Please Don’t Get All Choked Up

trends to avoid

My list is growing of trends to avoid.

Please don’t get all choked up about this, but here is another trend that should not be followed without first accessing if it is right for you.

Avoid choker style necklaces if:

1. You have a short neck

2. You have a round face

trends to avoid


The worst side effect: the appearance of a double chin.

Note: Same guidelines go for Turtle, Mock or Mandarin neck style tops.

trends to avoid“Scarlett has brightened my world. And I mean that literally. My closet before Scarlett, was filled with basic black. Interesting pieces, but pretty much all black. With Scarlett’s finely tuned editing, and her encouraging coaching, I’ve integrated color into my everyday dressing. The result is that I look and feel much lighter (maybe even a bit younger!) and the color makeover is way more in tune with my personality than the black uniform was. Scarlett made this process fun and I look forward to seeing her again for a seasonal tune-up.” Nancy Zola

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