The Perfect Pant Style For You
Bet you’ve been wondering…
Should I wear wide-legged pants?
What style is in?
The answer is…I have great news for you because the pant style that is perfect for you is…
The one YOU look great in!
It’s now that simple because all of the above pant styles are ‘in.’
The days of only one style being in style are OVER!! And, thank goodness.
When you wear ‘what’s in’ but it doesn’t look good on you… you’ll feel uncomfortable, self-conscious, and annoyed because you’ve wasted money once again.
Which style makes YOU look longer, leaner, and more comfortable?
This takes experimenting if you don’t already know which styles and proportions are perfect for you,
When you do know the perfect pant style for you, it will keep you from wearing a style that can make your tummy and hips look bigger, or your legs appear shorter.
However, you might be many years in asking yourself:
- What the heck does looks good on me?
- Why do I never love the clothes I buy?
- Why can’t I find clothes that fit me?
- Why do other women always seem dressed better than me?
Yes, you can wear whatever pant style you want, but you might still be wondering…what is the perfect pant style for me.
You are exactly why I created the Powerful Presence VIP Intensive.
If it’s been years of you never loving what you wear, even with the help of a blog or magazines. That’s why YOU are the perfect person I made the VIP day for.
And the reason you want it is because, in the scope of ONE DAY, we define & discover your personal style, including the perfect pant style for you, and end your getting-dressed stress!
You will dress confidently & be ready to tackle anything on your schedule. Every day!
This VIP Day is for you if you’re ab-so-lute-ly ready to:
- Confidently walk out of your closet every day looking stylish & pulled-together
- Stop wasting money on clothes that don’t work for you
- Feel excited (Yes! It’s possible!) when getting dressed every day
- Know how to quickly pull together an outfit – and feel sure it’ll look great on you
Not sure you want a VIP Day but do you want wardrobe styling help? Get on a call with me here.
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